USA Team B



Congratulations to USA Team B for some fine scores in some tough conditions.
They shot today at the IR 50/50 Unlimited Nationals and turned in the highest team score yet in this years World Postal.

Todd Wooten __ 746 - 39X
Tony Blosser ___ 742 - 40X
Gary Hittie ____ 745 - 47X

Team B Agg ___ 2,233 -126X

When I get the rest of the results I will post on
For those who do not know Team A will be shooting at the RBA Nationals.
USA Still needs one more team!!!
Congratulations Gentleman, some nice scores to chase, these currently put you at the top of the World Postal Scores. Our next World Postal Shoot in Australia is the NSW RBA Titles September 26, 2009 may the wind gods be kind.
Well Australia shot it's 2nd round of the World Postal today in the NSW RBA Championships. Let me start by saying congratulations to the 20 shooters who had the guts to shoot in very very bad condtions. Gale Force Wind speeds around 40MPH/70KMH that would switch in the blink of eye lid. Congratulations goes to Peter Armstrong who prevailed again & is certainly the man to beat down here at present. Unfortuntaley our postal scores though are very very low reflecting the extreme conditions:
Next stop RBA Nationals in November.

TOP 10
Peter Armstrong 734.31
Richard Lightfoot 727.31
Martin Lee 726.29
Bill Collaros 723.29
Geoff Knight 719.24
Peter Wrigley 718.21
Ed McGrann 716.21
Ron Goulding 715.21
Rob Carnell 715.19
Dal Larsen 715.17