USA Scoreline Outdoor Division - 1st Half



The USA Scoreline and the outdoor division will end on June 30, 2012. Some outstanding scores have been submitted and these scores will be used to select the 9 members for Team USA to compete in the 2012 World Postal Championships. It has been suggested that in lieu of a formal USA National Championship, the 2012 World Postal scores be used to rank all USA shooters that participate at the 3 regional venues that are scheduled. Any thoughts are welcome.

All scores received have been posted, if something is missing, please contact me. Everything is at

We have decided to have a second half for the USA Scoreline to run from July 1 through December 31, 2012. Scores from the 2 halfs will be compiled to crown winners in each rifle class.
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Hi I do not think a National Champion can be determined unless the shoot at the same place and the same time and are scored by the same person .

We agree that a formal National Championship at a given site would be the best scenario. Someday, this may be a realistic option but to hold a match of this caliber and fail to produce a good turnout or the best shooters is not what we want. History tells us it did the AGBR no good.

This is not a perfect situation and has it's flaws but it is our best option.

Novice question - is the second half of the Scoreline indoors or outdoors or both? Thanks in advance.

Steve W.

Outdoors but it is clear that there will be some overlap as some locales will need to come indoors as winter approaches.