We would like to extend an invitation to any international shooters that are interested in participating. This includes any Field Target shooters that would like to test their equipment.
We would like to extend an invitation to any international shooters that are interested in participating. This includes any Field Target shooters that would like to test their equipment.
"So the U.S. Air Rifle BR Governing Body is now a World Organization?" NO.
"It is going to to sanction International Clubs and Matches?" NO.
We are inviting all international shooters to submit scores to the USA Scoreline so that everyone might compare scores from a variety of countries on a regular and structured basis.
"What are the rules for the new FT Equipment Testing Class?" There are no new classes. Many FT shooters feel their equipment has been fine tuned and we are offering a way for them to test their equipment. By submitting scores, they will be able to compare their equipment to some of the best equipment in the world.
Better rewrite Rule #2.
Is your suggestion to re-write Rule two pertaining to having other countries with shooters interested in Postal matches or is it with invitation to air gunners who participate in Field Target to accept the challenge?
The invitation to other countries does not seem to conflict. The invitation for FT shooters is long standing, I would think, without being stated. That game and NRA silhouette is the largest pool of potential shooters.
Just curious about what needs to be changed,