UPDATE, Savage target action progress/shoot


Jim S

Some may remember my post last month about the Savage target action measurements. Well the stock has been fitted, the action and first 3 inches of the barrel have been skim coated to the alluminum bedding frame.

I did not recieve action screws with the action so only the front and rear screws are in now, the middle one is drilled out of the stock but waiting on the mail.

I put together a completly generic fireforming load today;(243AI)
Winchester 243 brass run through the FL die and case mouth chamfered.
45.5 grains of H4831sc thrown charges.
107 grain smk on lands.
CCI 200

Conditions; 60 degrees, overcast, variable tailwind to 12mph. Shot off sand bags front and rear.

Scope is a Leupold vx3 6x20 LRT with dot reticle. EGW rings lapped, and EGW 20moa base epoxy bedded to action

I shot 4, five shot groups out of a clean and kroil oiled bore at 100 yards.

The first group measured .525" with the first shot from the oiled bore being out of the next four shots, which measured .210"

The second group measured .330"

The third group measured .290"

The fourth group opened up to .630" with 3 bullets touching and the other 2 touching but pulled to 4 oclock.

This was the first 20 bullets shot from this gun other than 2 "test the gun loads". I must say I am not a match shooter and do not know if I am capable of any better shooting than this. I deffinatly could use technique pointers from the benchrest guys.
Overall I am happy with the results, the gun is showing promise. The savage action functions as it should and operates very smoothly. Feeding this single shot is very easy.
I will try to update my long range results soon, there is a local 600 yard money shoot in late April I need to get ready for.

I checked with some of my suppliers online today so I could stock a few more of these actions in my shop. Seems there all out of the .473 rt bolt left ports.:(
that is exciting to hear, I just bought the action, now busy putting together a rifle. good to hear of your success
small world

That's just too funny. I spent part of the day bedding my Savage target action into a tracker stock. The barrel is a Shilen 243ai in an 8 twist. Scope will be a zeiss conquest 6.5-20x50. The action was trued and timed by Fred Moreo and is smoooth. I put it in the safe and this was the first post I read. small world
I am thinking of buying a Savage Precision Target Action and would like to know some details of these actions. ( I have faxed Savage twice but no reply). Firstly what is the barrel shank thread size and TPI? What threads sizes are used for BOTH the Action mount screws and the scope mount threads? Is the action round, at least underneath?
I am thinking of buying a Savage Precision Target Action and would like to know some details of these actions. ( I have faxed Savage twice but no reply). Firstly what is the barrel shank thread size and TPI? What threads sizes are used for BOTH the Action mount screws and the scope mount threads? Is the action round, at least underneath?

Well here's the link.........


Tennon is 20tpi and 1.120 diam.... Not sure what the action screws threads size is...

I'm sure they offer a .308 bolt face bolt head as well.

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I did not recieve action screws with the action so only the front and rear screws are in now, the middle one is drilled out of the stock but waiting on the mail.

You will likely find that when you put in the middle action screw accuracy will improve. Tighten the front and middle screws and back off on the rear screw.
I have a LRPV in a switch barrel version made by Larry Racine. I elected to get two bolts for mine - one for the 6mmBR barrel and one for the 223 Rem barrel.

Quick change and ACCURATE.
I have a LRPV in a switch barrel version made by Larry Racine. I elected to get two bolts for mine - one for the 6mmBR barrel and one for the 223 Rem barrel.

Quick change and ACCURATE.

Larry does fine work!
Hi Cale.
Re: Savage Precision Target Action. Would you be able tell me what the outside diameter of this action is, at the barrel end? Is it the same diameter all along. I have a Shillen barrel which I want to get fitted to the Savage action but it has a 1.211" diameter shank and I'm worried that i might not have enough shoulder to fit to the savage without the locknut. A tapered spacer between the barrel shoulder and the recoil lug may save the day.

Any comments welcome here. Herbit
Herbit, this is from an earlier post,as far as installing the barrel without the barrel nut.

I just finished one in 223 for a customer and
liked what I saw with the following comments:
1. The guard screws would not thread into the action and needed a tap run into the holes to clean them up. It appears the action was threaded and then contoured causing the guard screw holes to deform slightly at the surface.
2. The locating pin on the recoil lug would not enter the slot in the receiver face. When the pin was reduced in diameter to allow entry into the guide slot, it bottomed on the rear of the slot and did not allow the lug to seat on the receiver face.
3. The action was fitted up like a Rem 700 without the barrel nut. A 1.200" barrel does not have enough meat to give a good shoulder with a 1.120" barrel thread. Be sure to get a 1.250" barrel shank if you want to barrel like a Rem 700.
Bottom line is that it is a real bargain , but CHECK EVERYTHING before cutting metal.