Upcoming ARA Indoor Season


New member
Beginning this year, the ARA Indoor Season will run from October 1 through March 31. ARA Match directors have requested this change and we are working to update the website to extend the Indoor Season. Keep an eye on the ARA Website to see the upcoming schedule.

Secondly, we have put a great deal of time and thought into the upcoming ARA/PSL indoor season. With the declining Indoor National attendance (85 in 2012, 79 in 2013, and 67 in 2014) I felt a change needed to be made. We have solicited everyone’s opinion and tried to understand the different points of view. This indoor season we are going to have a schedule change and combine the PSL and ARA Match at the Rocky River Barn. The Shotmaster 10X PSL Match will be Friday March 4th at 8:00 am and we will shoot all 5 Targets on Friday. The ARA National Tournament with begin Saturday March 5th at 9:00 am and we will shoot targets 1-4 and will resume on Sunday at 8:00 am with targets 5&6. My reasons for making the change are the following
1. Many competitors can only make the trip to the Barn 1 time a year, this will enable those competitors to shoot both events
2. ARA declining attendance warrants us to try something new
3. It will decreases expenses on those that are going to attend both events, only 1 trip now and fewer nights in a Hotel.
4. From a selfish point, Dawn, Paul, and I will not have as many days away from the shop and it will cut down on our travel expenses.

Thank you all for your continued support of the ARA and we look forward to a seeing you at the RR Barn.