unidentified gadget

Chism G

Active member
I bought this thing to use in Rim fire competition,way back when,at the suggestion of a fellow competitor.

I know its used to check Rim fire ammo but I can't remember exactly how it was used, Anybody recognize it?
its use is probably real simple. Im suffering with that debilitating disease called CRS.


possibly an overall length gauge. 2nd possibility is a unit to make sure the pill is concentric with the case. perhaps, a false muzzle for cleaning. Lastly just another dodad to lighten your wallet ( no end to those) Then there was or is the dial indicator gauge assembly for checking/sorting ammo by rim thickness ( about $90 back when) couple others sans gauge - sliding scale. Very impressive when you have around a thousand rounds in various little piles on the kitchen table and someone stops bye. various little balances for sorting by weight ( not worth a hoot unless you cleaned all the lube off first) all guaranteed to make Remington Thunderbolt shoot like Eley black box of course.
It is a Rim Thickness Gauge.. It was used with a dial caliper to check the Rim thickness of .22 LR rounds.. You put the round in the large end and then used the dial caliper to measure the length to the bottom of the gauge.. I had one for years and it was pretty accurate... Nice find..

It is a Rim Thickness Gauge.. It was used with a dial caliper to check the Rim thickness of .22 LR rounds.. You put the round in the large end and then used the dial caliper to measure the length to the bottom of the gauge.. I had one for years and it was pretty accurate... Nice find..


Thanks Dave. Now I remember. Measured the rim thickness on thousands of 22RF rounds. It came with a rope neckless. Made it quick and easy to measure ammo.

Its going to my friend who just started out in Rim Fire Competition. Thanks again.

Thanks Dave. Now I remember. Measured the rim thickness on thousands of 22RF rounds. It came with a rope neckless. Made it quick and easy to measure ammo.

Its going to my friend who just started out in Rim Fire Competition. Thanks again.


No longer needed with any quality ammo.....got about four different ones. For sale cheap.:D