Unaka will hold its first IR-50 50 match on April 16. The gate will be opened at 7:30 am, match will start at 9:00. Entry fee will be $20.00 for first match or $35.00 to shot both matches. Registration will start at 7:30. There will be lunch meats for sandwiches in between matches.
The address for Unaka is 90 Furnace Road, Johnson City Tn. 37601.
For futher information contact-- Jim Jones @ 423-306-4319 or Bill Pippin @ 423-360-3933.
Check out our web page at www.unakarodandgun.com
The address for Unaka is 90 Furnace Road, Johnson City Tn. 37601.
For futher information contact-- Jim Jones @ 423-306-4319 or Bill Pippin @ 423-360-3933.
Check out our web page at www.unakarodandgun.com