Unaka Rod & Gun Club IR-50 50 Match

Unaka will hold its first IR-50 50 match on April 16. The gate will be opened at 7:30 am, match will start at 9:00. Entry fee will be $20.00 for first match or $35.00 to shot both matches. Registration will start at 7:30. There will be lunch meats for sandwiches in between matches.

The address for Unaka is 90 Furnace Road, Johnson City Tn. 37601.

For futher information contact-- Jim Jones @ 423-306-4319 or Bill Pippin @ 423-360-3933.

Check out our web page at www.unakarodandgun.com
Just a short update as we get closer to our first match. We are having some help in our first match by way of presentation of door prizes. Gordon Eck will be donating a $100.00 certificate toward a complete barrel job, Rock Creek will be donating half off any one of their barrels and Bill Pippin is donating $200.00 off a complete stock including beding. I would like to give a big THANKS to these individuals for their help.

Looking forward to seeing all on the 16th,


Allen Stigall has just donated 50% off on a set of his wind flags to be added to the door prizes. Thanks Allen

Bob Collins has donated a brick of ammo and Jim Pepper has also donated a brick of ammo for door prizes. Thanks Bob and Jim

Mark Nachman has added to the door prizes by donating a Edgewood Bench Snake to the list. Thanks Mark

We want to Thank Everyone for their support and invite all to come out on Saturday and enjoy the match.
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Jim & Bill
It is so nice to see a new range start. With ranges closing all over the country. Sure hope you folks have good scores and nice weather.
Thank you Unaka Gun Club for hosting this event , I think everyone appreciated the effort and we hope you have a regular schedule. Thanks to Jim Jones , Bill Pippin and everyone who helped make this possible.
Next time a little less wind would be nice.
Thanks Jim and Bill for your hard work and dedication in getting Unaka underway. Ya'll did a great job. I hope that we have many more matches at Unaka.
I thought that you might come join us at Unaka. I know that you have a lot of friends at that club. I know that they would like to see you.
Thanks Jim And Bill Pippin for the great match yesterday aside from the weather it was superb.I would also like to thank Jim Pepper, Bill Pippin and wallace Putnam for all their work in the scoring.This is a fine facility and a great place to shoot.It will produce many great scores over the years and some great matches.And thanks everyone else for the fellowship and great competetion.
Mike Cameron
I would like to THANK all the shooters that showed up yesterday and shoot in some really tough conditions. I had more than one to tell me they had never shot in winds that rough, hopefully our next match will have better conditions. Yes there will be more I just need to work out dates.
Everyone at Unaka was very well pleased with the turnout and manner that the shooters showed at the match.
I hope we can continue to make every match better then the last. I would like to thank everyone for their help in pulling off our match and making it a success.
A special thanks goes out to Bill Pippen and Wallace Putnam without their help I would have been in a deep hole trying to dig out.
I would also like to mention that we had three new shooters and a junior shooter with us yesterday all who shot very well under some of the worst conditions, I promise men it's not always like it was yesterday the wind is usually better, you made it trhough the worst hopefully we will see you at our next match.

Thanks again to all I had a great time,

I thought that you might come join us at Unaka. I know that you have a lot of friends at that club. I know that they would like to see you.

I was coming and bringing a couple of grandsons but they backed out on me - quite similar to the many times I gave them the same treatment.

It was great seeing everyone having such a great time inspight of the weather conditions. Thanks to all of the participating members of Unaka Rod & Gun Club who made it possible for us to shoot IR50/50. A special thanks to Jim Jones, Wallace Putnam and all who helped. We look forward to the next match at Unaka. It will be posted as soon as possible.
