Unaka, potential world record!!!!!!

Dan H

New member
I'll post this again over here just in case not everyone goes to that other new forum at BC.
Yesterday Johnnie Stewart at the LV 200 shot a five shot group that measured .047, the word from the scoring room was "I don't believe this". This is better then half the size of the standing record of .099 shot by Skip Otto.
Johnnie is one of the nicest guy's you could know, When we started the afternoon match I suggested that we bet a dollar on the afternoon agg., he said how about a buck a target. Johnnie accused me of snookering him as I took the first buck, he then shoots the .047.
After he shot that target and the dust settled Johnnie said everybody has a story to go with something like this but I don't, "I just started shooting, they kept going in the same hole"
To say the least it was exciting to have been a part of that event, everyone enjoyed being there for that.:D:D

Dan Honert
Johnny's little-dot target sure did create some excitement. Matter of fact it stopped the shoot for a few minutes as most went by the scorers office to peek in at this target and the backers.

Giving much credit to Norman Jones, range master, he did all the requirements as having the target properly witnessed and signed by himself and the referees. This should insure proper evaluation of the target by NBRSA officials who document records.

Giving deserved credit to Johnny, way to go guy!! Breaking an existing record by about 50% ain't a small deal.

Way to go Johnnie, that is just amazing. Now that you have done the almost impossible, come back to score shooting and give us some lessons. Jackie