Ultimate Benchrest Nationals Oct 3-4


Active member
The Ultimate Benchrest Nationals will be held on October 3-4th at the Gallatin Gun Club range which is located at the TVA Gallatin Steam Plant near Gallatin TN. The 100 yard match will held on Saturday October 3rd @ 9:00 AM and the 200 yard on Sunday October 4th. The range will be opened to shooters for practice after 12:00 noon on Friday October 2nd. For those who wish there are quite a few covered tables for loading during the match and there is also plenty of room for tents and popups. It is my understanding that some vendors will also be there with pop ups. Direction to the range may be found on the Gallatin Gun Club website (http://www.gallatingun.com/map.asp )

Match fee will be $60 for the two day event for one rifle in any class. This fee will include lunch on both days and all bottled water and soft drinks. If you preregister and pay before Monday September 28th you may add a second rifle to compete in any additional class at no charge. Registration will also be held on Friday and Saturday morning. Addition rifles for other classes will be $20 each after preregistration. You may compete in as many classes as you choose. For those who are not familiar with UBR, we compete in four classes, Factory, Modified, Custom and Unlimited. The rules for these classes may be found on the UBR web page ( http://ultimatebenchrest.com/rule-book/equipment ).

If you have not competed in UBR, you will find a few things different from other VFS type matches. We feel that these are advantageous. For one thing, a new shooter may shoot his or her Factory rifle without being handicapped by competing with custom rifles. Our Factory Class is frequently as large as Custom at many matches. Also, since we use a caliber neutral target system you are not handicapped should you choose to compete with a .223 or 6PPC in any class rather than needing to shoot a .30 cal as is the norm with most VFS competition. A description of the target system may be viewed at ( http://ultimatebenchrest.com/about/the-targets ). One other thing, many of our regulars compete in Modified Class which means they can pull those old sleeved Remington 6PPCs out of the safe and compete with more of the same.

There are numerous motels in the Gallatin area and these can be found with a simple search using Google or one of the other search engines. There are several campgrounds in the area as well. Unfortunately TVA does not allow us to be on site between dusk and dawn so we can’t offer on site camping. If you need specific information about a motel or campground feel free to contact me
using email or by phone tnmountainaire@bellsouth.net 615-405-8622
Also, contact me for preregistration or with any other questions or concerns you might have.

Rick Fox
Gallatin Gun Club
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Looking forward to it, Rick! I just wish I had more time to prepare...Taking on another career has seriously cut into my time to shoot...and it shows...but I'll be there and donate to the match fees anyway. lol! Thanks for all you do. I look forward to seeing everyone there!

Oh, I'll have something to contribute as a door prize/award. I just don't know what it will be yet for this year. I'll let you know in a week or so.---Mike Ezell
Something I neglected to mention that may make a difference. UBR has no membership requirement or fee. You do not have to be a member of any organization to shoot this match. Each range that participates in UBR matches pays a small fee per shooter to deal with recording and tracking scores as well as the year end SSOY trophies. All the individual has to do is show up, pay the match fee and shoot. So if you are within driving distance and want to spend a fun weekend burning powder with a chance for a nice door price that may well be worth more than your expenses for the weekend, come join us.

That seems like it in driving range from the Houston area. I'll see you there.
That seems like it in driving range from the Houston area. I'll see you there.

Come on up. We'll make you feel at home. If you need directions or any specific info as far as motels and such, give me a call or email.

Rick, two questions:

1. Based on your first paragraph, I assume there will be time to reload between matches. Is that a good assumption?
2. Will there be time to reload between matches if I shoot in two classes?
Rick, two questions:

1. Based on your first paragraph, I assume there will be time to reload between matches. Is that a good assumption?
2. Will there be time to reload between matches if I shoot in two classes?

Rick must be busy, so I'll add what little I know to help.
One gun...no problem...Two guns, still very doable. It all boils down to how many relays we have and how much time you need. I would expect to have at least 4 relays. If so, you should have ample time between them...especially shooting two different guns and not just one gun in two classes, due to having time for the barrel cool...and that'll depend somewhat on temps.

We've been doing it like this from the start, with very few occasions where anyone was rushed, that I'm aware of. That said, if you need more time, a reasonable amount will likely be allowed and he can put you on relays with space in time between. That alone should be ample, as each relay is a max of 10 minutes plus target crew work. So, if you shoot 2 classes with a relay in between, you'd have about 15 minutes between shooting 2 classes. If we have 5 or 6 relays, it'd be more.

Bottom line...come on out and shoot! You should have ample time for two guns and many others will be doing the same thing. It's always worked well to date. There may well be some shooting 4 guns..likely, in fact.

Maybe Rick will add something to this, but I think you get the idea. Four relays should not create any rush IMO...five, and we'll have to keep things moving for match time, but should be very manageable. Six...and we have to book it, but I can't imagine there being more than 5 and very likely 4 relays. It should be fairly relaxed at that pace.
Mike, is it legal to shoot my .30BR in the custom class at 100 yards and then switch barrels and shoot a 6PPC at 200 yards? I only have one rifle but could change barrels for the 200 yard event....if legal. James Mock


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Mike, is it legal to shoot my .30BR in the custom class at 100 yards and then switch barrels and shoot a 6PPC at 200 yards? I only have one rifle but could change barrels for the 200 yard event....if legal. James Mock

Hi James! I know you can do it, and I think without penalty. If there is any downside, it'd be for the grand...but I'm pretty sure that you're fine. My thinking is that both yardage scores stand on their own merit, as long as you shoot the correct target at each yardage, which is the shooter's responsibility to verify before shooting. The grand is simply a culmination of those scores. To my knowledge, there is nothing saying you can't. That's part of the beauty of this game. I've considered doing it, myself...even going as far as chambering up a 10 twist 6br for the longer yardage and shooting my 22 or 30 in the other. Someone has probably done some fashion of it already, but I'd wait for Danny or maybe Rick to say for sure. Sorry I can't give you a 100% answer...but I'm 95% sure that I'm right....Come to think of it...I think I've done it!--Mike
p.s.--Of course, I'm referring to within the same class...i.e. 30@100, 6@200, both in custom.
I think Rick is out of town, but I bet he checks in soon, if possible.
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I'll try and answer both questions although Mike did a good job already. Bill, you should have no problem reloading between relays. We have a few regulars who do it most of the time with only two replays. Even shooting two classes you can probably do it, but you will be busy. I think we've had at least four relays every year, although they aren't all full. Several shooters shoot two or three classes and several share equipment.

James, I see no problem changing barrels and calibers from 100 to 200. I know that we have had competitors change rifles between yardages, so a barrel change won't be a problem. We'll just have to be sure to give you the right target for each caliber/yardage. Glad to hear you're thinking of coming.

Oh yeah, I have been out all day trying to make a living and the day ran long.

While I'm pretty sure that most have made a decision one way or another, I want to remind everyone within reasonable driving distance that the UBR Nationals will be held this W/E at the Gallatin Gun Club near Gallatin TN. There is plenty of room left and no membership fee in any organization required. Just show up with whatever you want to shoot and you will be welcome.
Cost for the two day event is $50 for one rifle and an additional $20 for each additional. This fee includes lunch for both days. That's a helluvadeal.

If you need additional info or directions feel free to call me.

Rick Fox