Mike Ezell
With the UBR Nationals right around the corner, there only a few more chances to get tuned up. We are having a match at TBRR this Saturday, July the 12th. Start time is 9:00 am central time. We'll draw for benches around 8:00. There was some question as to whether we'd be holding this match due to the regular match director and Jimmy Brady, the range owner, being out of town. I volunteered to run the match and got the range mowed and ready this morning, so we're good to go.
If you've never been to Two Brothers, you're missing out. It's a new and beautiful range with tons of "personality",
stained concrete benches and electricity at the range.
We'll shoot 200 first, to make it easier to pack up at the end of the day
Lunch will be served. It may not be the regular ribeyes that Jimmy is famous for, but we won't go hungry.
Please contact me if you plan to attend so that I can get a good idea for how many mouths to feed.
You can reach me at 270-792-1436 or
I look forward to seeing everyone. Come on out and shoot. We'll have a good time.

If you've never been to Two Brothers, you're missing out. It's a new and beautiful range with tons of "personality",
We'll shoot 200 first, to make it easier to pack up at the end of the day
Lunch will be served. It may not be the regular ribeyes that Jimmy is famous for, but we won't go hungry.
Please contact me if you plan to attend so that I can get a good idea for how many mouths to feed.
You can reach me at 270-792-1436 or
I look forward to seeing everyone. Come on out and shoot. We'll have a good time.

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