U.S. Benchrest World Team - Go Fund Me Request

Good Morning Guys!!

Would kindly ask everyone to please provide your generous donation to help fund the US Benchrest World Team's trip to France this September to represent our country in the World Benchrest Championships in Chateauroux, France Sept. 23 - 30th.

Needless to say, it will require each of the following 12-US World Team Members significant resources to pay for their respective International Airfare, Hotel, Baggage, Shipping, Equipment, Entry-Fees and Transportation costs during their time competing in France.

Team 1:
Wayne Campbell
Jeff Peinhardt
Mike Conry
Harley Baker

Team 2:
Brian Robinson
Bart Sauter
Bud Mundy
Billy Stevens

Team 3:
Dennis Boyet
Paul Mitchell
Steve Lee
Joel Nader

Let's get behind our US team with any donation you can provide, large or small, to help each of our team members so they may properly prepare for this most important World Benchrest Championship match, instead of worrying about finding the necessary funding required to make this international trip!

Please click on the Go Fund Me / US World Team weblink below to make a donation!


Thanks for your favorable consideration and generous support!

Jack Neary