Two Questions...



First, is anyone making aluminum butt plates these days? If so, who?
Secondly. is SG&Y closed down: unable to phone or FAX to any of their numbers even though they still advertise on Wilbur's web site.
Thanks for the help/info.:confused:

I can only answer one of the questions and that is that SG&Y no longer exists and the last I heard Speedy was an instructor ant the Colorado Gunsmithing School.
While Speedy is teaching now, I've heard "Stick" his right hand man is trying to run things to push on.
Depending on the stock design you might want to give Tony Larson a call, his plates, trigger guards and rings are first class work.
Sure would...

..if I knew how to reach him. Tried the phone/FAX numbers and e-mail bit.
Nuthin'. My son graduated from Colorado School of Trades gunsmithing program before Speedy ever got there.
Hey, thanks Tim.

Can anybody else provide a contact number?? TIA
S&S Precision

Stick and JD are running S&S Precision in Argyle, TX
Phone: 940-566-4867