


Hello, new to Benchrest Central and longrange shooting. Just wondering if Thunder Valley is still shooting IBS matches. Tried emailing them and have not recieved a reply. Was wanting to go to the June shoot........just dont want to make the drive if they are no longer shooting:). Any info would be helpful........Thanks, Ben
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I just went through my and my info@thundervalleyprecision e-mail accounts and did not see your e-mail. Which one did you send it to? I get a lot of e-mail so I could have missed it somehow.
To answer your question, yes we are still alive and well and shooting IBS matches for now. However I may have to cancel our June 6th 600 yard match due to my daughters graduation is that day. I'm trying to find someone to run the match. If will be cancelled.
Please e-mail me for additional info and other shooting events/training we offer.

Ben you might want to check out the IBS web site,They have something to say under the news tab.
The TVP matches are still IBS registered. We are in the process of making a correction on our web site.

Jeff Stover
IBS President
Tom, thanks for the info..............I used the info@thundervalleyprecision e-mail . It is easy to over look a e-mail or read one of many and think you may responded to it, no big deal. I'am planning on coming up on the 5th of June. Looking forward to meeting you. Like I stated earlier, this is my first post, and I do'nt understand the meaning of the above post #5. Heck I'am 68yrs old and by no means a Bill Gates when it comes to computers. I find this sight very informative and was just asking a question........Thanks, Ben
LOL, it's getting funnier by the post. As if we didn't have enough to laugh about already. From the voice of experience, you'll get nowhere doing favors, except the expectation you will do more favors and be happy about it. Good luck!

Have a nice holiday weeked.

EDIT: White Horse and Harry Jones ranges in WV shoot IBS 1000 3 weekends out of 4 with the VA club using HJ. Links for directions and dates on IBS website. If you want a real field trip, go to the World Open in Williamsport, PA. Everything there is linked for you for easy clickin!
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Jeff in OH

It looks like we have a "new to Benchrest Central" shooter, maybe even new to the sport shooter, askig a ligitimate queston about Thunder Valley. He got several good answers by several people, including Tom and Jeff Stover . Then you chime in, twice. I have one thing to say...


If you want to start up a "bash Tom Sarver" thread, great. Have at it. I'm sure it will be good for a few laughs to those who want to read it. But to hyjack a thread to hack on Sarver-TV for what ever the reason. Trying to sway a new shooter's impression of a guy he has never met. I am sure GLOCK has his big boy pants on. I'm sure he can develope his own opinions of people based on actualy talking to them directly. He shouldn't need any of your help. I have been reading this krap forever!!! I'm sick of it!!!

So....put on your big boy pants for a change. Swallow your friggin pride and hatred for Sarver and knock it the hell off

Just SICK of it!!!

Sorry for the rant,

Tod Soeby
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It looks like...

Looks are decieving...

There are some really neat features of this website thread software that allow any user to block any other users posts. Use it! Or don't read my posts. Either way, I don't give a flying crap!

You are correct, I have an issue with someone who gets $32,000 behind in back property taxes (check the first link above, that's a school teachers salary for a year!), and has been sued by just about everyone who has previously extended credit for failed construction ventures (check the 2nd link above). This points to one's character. Remember Kerri Sutton? Former "club" front person, she sued too. Wonder why? Maybe there is a single cause to all the mayhem? Maybe it's how someone chooses to approach and treat other people?

Do we need or want someone like this with a proven track record of hosing other people for personal gain promoting this sport? You have no idea how many PM's I have received from people who have the exact same opinion. Why do you think there is less than anemic attendance at IBS matches there?

Make no mistake about this, every opportunity will be taken to be sure everyone here knows what kind of individual they are dealing with. All this is FACT and not made up, like you will get from other SHooting websites. Just FACTS here. Sometimes the truth hurts.
Looks are decieving...

Make no mistake about this, every opportunity will be taken to be sure everyone here knows what kind of individual they are dealing with.....Just FACTS here. Sometimes the truth hurts....

Still grinding that ax huh? Make no mistake about this...You are a little man with a big keyboard! Yep, the truth hurts.

Guess you don't have any skeletons in the closet, that we are aware of. Probably got picked on in high school too...

BTW Jeff in OH, what is your last name? Would like just the FACTS in answering this question, not your rhetoric pertaining to your personal opinions on Tom, TVP and how I can hit the ignore button, etc, etc, etc... Please sir, what is your real name?

Go ahead and flame me with your bad @$$ed keyboard dude, at least I have the nads to post my name and not hide behind some moniker.

And your last name is?...
Guys, thanks for the information, granted some of it is more than I actually needed to know. I have 2 grandsons that are interested in long range shooting. Just thought that TVP would be a great place to start, seeing how its just a couple hours for me. Granted I'am new to Bench rest and this forum, but I have been a member of several handgun forums for years. Never have I seen this kind of behaivor from some one. Like I stated earlier, I just wanted to know if a range was still shooting :) BTW..........I'am looking for a good front rest for my grandsons, thinking about the Caldwell rest with the joy stick, I would be thankful for any advice....................Ben
Looks are decieving...

There are some really neat features of this website thread software that allow any user to block any other users posts. Use it! Or don't read my posts. Either way, I don't give a flying crap!

You are correct, I have an issue with someone who gets $32,000 behind in back property taxes (check the first link above, that's a school teachers salary for a year!), and has been sued by just about everyone who has previously extended credit for failed construction ventures (check the 2nd link above). This points to one's character. Remember Kerri Sutton? Former "club" front person, she sued too. Wonder why? Maybe there is a single cause to all the mayhem? Maybe it's how someone chooses to approach and treat other people?

Do we need or want someone like this with a proven track record of hosing other people for personal gain promoting this sport? You have no idea how many PM's I have received from people who have the exact same opinion. Why do you think there is less than anemic attendance at IBS matches there?

Make no mistake about this, every opportunity will be taken to be sure everyone here knows what kind of individual they are dealing with. All this is FACT and not made up, like you will get from other SHooting websites. Just FACTS here. Sometimes the truth hurts.

Fine...I get have a problem with Sarver......So....Start an "I hate Tom Sarver" thread. Better yet, try and wrangle up some sponsors and start a "Tom sarver is an.*^#&@!......." web site. As far as blocking you......i am pretty sure you are more knowagable than me about this sport......I am sure you have posted some good stuff here. I am sure that you can be an asset to this form. I am just saying that as I was reading a thread by a new shooter....and BAM there you are. It says somthing that, although you have certainly posted some truly GREAT stuff...I can't remember it. What I do remember is all your rants on this topic. Why is that, do you think????

All I ask is that you stop hijacking other peoples posts. Did you happen to catch the "Whats the problem" thread? Here is another new guy looking at the krap and wondering why. We need MORE shooters, not LESS!!!!!

Like I said, let people come to thier own conclusions about people. Trust us, we are able to figure this stuff out on our own.

As far as Tom.....I had nothing but a great experiance at the 2008 IBS nats at TV, and Sarver was one of the reasons. If I ever have a problem with him, or you, or anyone, I will let them know. I WILL NOT hijack a thread to do it.

Again.....Here I am ....hijacking a post......SORRY GLOCK.......My BAD.

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Still grinding that ax huh? Make no mistake about this...You are a little man with a big keyboard! Yep, the truth hurts.

Guess you don't have any skeletons in the closet, that we are aware of. Probably got picked on in high school too...

BTW Jeff in OH, what is your last name? Would like just the FACTS in answering this question, not your rhetoric pertaining to your personal opinions on Tom, TVP and how I can hit the ignore button, etc, etc, etc... Please sir, what is your real name?

Go ahead and flame me with your bad @$$ed keyboard dude, at least I have the nads to post my name and not hide behind some moniker.

And your last name is?...

Nope, no skeletons here. You can look for all of my tax records and muni court records you want. It's kind of boring though because I pay my bills on time, well actually early. It's a real sh!tty example to set, I know.

What does this have to do with high school? Just because that's all the further you made it (maybe?) doesn't mean everyone is stuck in time there.

As for the original poster, feel free to shoot where you want to shoot. Front rest is subjective like everything else. I have used a bald eagle cast iron sling shot for 8 years (at the super shoot and 1000 yard) and like it well. Had some vertical in the beginning due to the bag being too full. Took some sand out and it calmed down (probably better to start a little soft). Just switched to an Edgewood front bag that is the cat's ass.
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Do you enjoy shooting? I am new to this sport and interested in getting started. I ask you this question because even if you absolutely hate the guy in ohio why would you try and ruin this sport for others? People shoot benchrest for basically a donation to the club am I correct? If you win IBS shooter of the do you get any money for it? Im sure you get some bragging rights to your buddies and everyone you shot against right? Thats all in good fun right? Im sure there are no professionals in this sport or people making a living shooting besides the gunsmiths. So really who cares. You should thank the guy in Ohio who has provide people a place to shoot there guns because im sure there are many people out there that dont have a place to shoot long range like my self. To all the shooters because of Jeffs post we all know TVP is struggeling why doesnt every one show up and try to help save this club? Guys I just dont get it. There are many countries that shooting sports are illegal be happy we live in the USA and have these oppertunites.
I think alot of new shooters wear rose colored glasses when they first enter this sport and they are not looking out for themselves in a deefensive manner.It is only after something goes wrong that they wake up and ask themselves why didn't someone say something about that guy.
As a new guy to this website you should know that the sites owner doesn't want certain things posted even if it is intended to save your butt.
If you stay in this sport for a while you will quickly learn 95% of the guys here and at the various ranges are the cream of the crop in every aspect of life while the other 5% have character issues you won't like to varying degrees.Those varying degrees will be little things like parking in front of your bench and never moving there vehicle to taking your money for something and never hearing from them again.
By and large alot of this bickering could be solved by using the PM or Private Message feature on this forum but every once in awhile self control is overcome by just being tired of hearing it one more time from the usual suspects.

Do you enjoy shooting? I am new to this sport and interested in getting started. I ask you this question because even if you absolutely hate the guy in ohio why would you try and ruin this sport for others? People shoot benchrest for basically a donation to the club am I correct? If you win IBS shooter of the do you get any money for it? Im sure you get some bragging rights to your buddies and everyone you shot against right? Thats all in good fun right? Im sure there are no professionals in this sport or people making a living shooting besides the gunsmiths. So really who cares. You should thank the guy in Ohio who has provide people a place to shoot there guns because im sure there are many people out there that dont have a place to shoot long range like my self. To all the shooters because of Jeffs post we all know TVP is struggeling why doesnt every one show up and try to help save this club? Guys I just dont get it. There are many countries that shooting sports are illegal be happy we live in the USA and have these oppertunites.

There's a whole lot more to this topic than what you read on this website, most of it is not public knowledge. Over the past 6-7 years many, many people have tried to help this club through whatever means we could. After some (very little actually) time it becomes obvious that helping is no longer voluntary and bocomes mandatory. I can list half a dozen names of people who started shooting there as locals, began to "help out," and then got bitched out because their VOLUNTARY help was not "up to snuff." They no longer shoot long range anymore simply because of the attitudes we had to put up with. Maybe we should count how many people left the sport due to this behavior? Don't paint this picture as if it's a "club struggling to get by" (that's what is desired BTW) becuase in reality it is the result of way it has been run over the years. Just trying to save some people the trouble of learning the hard way with this club like many of us have. Feel free to jump in the fire but don't be surprised when you get burned, or as someone said "wear your big boy pants."
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Your feelings have been made known now and many times in the past. I am personally asking you to stop all of the ill will postings now.
Tom and yourself can do this elsewhere. This is not the place for personal battles. I am happy that knowing Tom, he has not responded in anyway here to you.

Let it go.
