TurboO 3 Lug Action


New member
Hello All,

I was just wondering how the TurboO 3 Lug action is being received by shooters. Is the bolt cycling smooth and short? I was just thinking that this would sure benefit the shooter that likes to shoot his target quickly. Just gathering information so I can build myself a Br rifle. I see it's nearly always in the top 5 on the equipment list so that's a sure sign of it's popularity!

Thanks for any thoughts you may have.

Look more for a gunsmith & ask them for their preference to build off. All the actions are capable of winning. There are to many other variables to this. Yourself being one of the most important things.
Shooting a target fast isn't a consideration. Sure you'd like to get as many off as the condition exists That can bite you too.. The bolt throw difference between the 2 & 3 lug I'll bet means little to nothing to most.
The magic is in the gunsmithing, barrel, & ammo IMO. Equipment lists are great but remember there is the "win on Sunday. buy on Monday" mentality here too.
Good Luck,
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Based on your questions, you'd be way ahead of the game buying a solid used gun from either here or Killough's in the coming months to be ready for the '16 season.
My opinion; there are only a few 3 lug Turbo's in the field, too few to have much of a history. Most of the equipment lists won't tell you if it is a 2 or 3 lug action. You kind of got to be there. bob
I have seen only two 3L Diorio`s !

My opinion; there are only a few 3 lug Turbo's in the field, too few to have much of a history. Most of the equipment lists won't tell you if it is a 2 or 3 lug action. You kind of got to be there. bob

Robert Oates had a new Diorio 3L @ The Barn last year and then sent it to the WLM to try to retro fit it ,news was not good from the WLM `s prognosis of it! Peter Armstrong from OZ also had one at the Triple Crown! I owned one for a short time and I sent it to KSS and Dan sent it to OZ! I never seen mine! Dan saved me $1350,Thank You Dan!

Keith & Tim both gave you some good advice , Most Gunsmiths like a certain action to build off of ,William Poff just won the 50/50 UL Indoors overall today@ Piney Hill shooting a 40X ,it`s what makes this game so interesting ,absolutely no magic involved ! Barrel and ammo combo will win most!

PS: on the ARA/PSL equipment list Turbo O = Flash Ebert Turbo (old Turbo) There are no 3 lugs by Flash
Turbo N = is a New Diorio Turbo and 99.9% of them are two lugs . Most of the 3 lugs are X3L`s by Ten X ,SPF has a new3L -Trident ,Gorham has already built 3 Tridents and 70+ 2500X`s , I don`t know of another Gunsmith that has built any other 3L`s other than X3L`s! Diorio CNC built both of his 3 lugs that I saw!
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