I've always been under the impression that once you have your tuner at a position where you can put all the bullets in the same hole that you've got it. Apparently this is NOT the case. I think we have all experienced shooting a three shot group into one hole on a sighter only to have the next shot on the record bull go into the 25 ring or worse. I decided to try and eliminate this problem by doing some extensive tuning. After about 2 hours, several boxes of ammo and running my tuner out from one end to the other, I found a setting where I could just drill the center dot on the bull 28 out of 30 shots and not have any "flippers" as Calfee likes to call them. The purpose of this exercise came about after a disastrous performance in absolutely dead calm air searching for a clue as to why scores fell in conditions that should have increased them. Does anyone have similar experiences and know a shortcut to arrive at THE optimum tuner setting? Please don't tell me about ringing barrels! I dusted off my stethoscope and percussion hammer last year and tapped till I was blue but was unable to distinguish any diffence in the sounds.