


Might have been asked before,,but who makes the best/most user friendly tuner out there????? Bout got my 40x back together with a Shilen tuner taper barrel and am going to need a tuner... And another question,,will a tuner work on say an 18 inch barrel on a bolt pistol,,with say a muzzle dia of about 7/8-1 inch?? Thanks...
Harrel Tuner

There are several good effective tuners on the market. Check with Killough Shooting Sports. He has a good selection and is quite knowledgeable. As for whether they will work the same on a short barrel, that's something you will have to decide for yourself.
I have a bbl on my 40x that is about 18 5/8. Dia is .825 iirc. I am using a Fudd tuner with some additional weights added to the bloop tube. By far the rifle shoots better with the tuner AND the additional weights versus no tuner at all.
i have a harrels tuner ona suhl and a rva tuner on my hall. either one is pretty straight foreward on tuning. it seemed to me the rva was a bit easier to tune, and works just as good as any i have tried. i had a fudd tuner on my hall when i purchased it. it worked i guess, but i like the other two better myself. my fudd tuner didn't have adjustable wieghts on it so that could make a difference.
I have Harrold tuners for $150.00 Weight sets for $60.00 or Roger Von Herons with weight system for $260.00. Both of these would be top drawer. cspss@att.net
Thanks guys....I`ll have to do some shopping and see what I come up with...