I have a question about tuner settings. I have a Anschutz 2013 BR-50 that I equipped with a Harrel Tuner. I am using a supply of Eley BR-50 ammo and have got what I think is a fairly good tune job, although it was had to beat the group sizes without the tuner. My question is this, when I finally run out of my supply of Eley BR-50 will I have to go through the tuning process with what ever ammo that my rifle likes all over again. I have asked this question at our club and got answers like once it is tuned it is always tuned, no matter what ammo you use. I have also been told that the tune is specific to the ammo that you are shooting at the time. Is there a real answer to this question that most believe to be true? My personal belief is that logically different ammo will require specific tuning, because of different burn and ignition rates, and even due to the difference in bullet lubes.