Tucker Conversion Adjustment?



I just purchased a Leupold scope with a tucker conversion and would like to knew how to adjust it without screwing it up. I have no idea if you just leave it fixed or loosen it when making the necessary targeting adjustments. I emailed Mr tucker sometime ago and have not gotten a reply yet, does anyone know the proper method of use? PLeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezee! ! ! ! !

No one seems too eager to answer, so here's my take.

If you are talking about the Tucker attachment that was used on the old scopes to complement the spring system that held the crosshair gizmo in place, then, it's not adjustable and never was intended to be so. Leave it alone. All adjustments are made in the convential way, with the knobs and the AO.

If it is the newer version, with the thumb screw, yes, loosen up the screw before making any adjustments.

If it is the older version, and has no visible (additional) thumb screw, then no need to do anything before adjusting.

If you care to post a picture, I can tell you what version you have.

It is the older version which has the added piece with just a straight stud (aprox 1/4" x5/8") that has a slot on the top. I wasn't sure if it is to be loosened before any adjustments are made and then tightened or just adjust without doing anything. I really appreciate all the help fellas.
It's not a screw and the slot is not for a screwdriver. I never was sure why Cecil chose that appearance. Someone should ask him.

I had one by another that had the thumb screws.
IF you DONT loosen them before making adjustments after a time or 2 you can throw the scope in the trash or send it back to be fixed.
Yes my conversion was by someone else but same principle.
The one with the external thumb screw goes up inside and presses against a piece I can remember the name of.
If it (one at an angle) or them (one for each direction) is not loosened before trying to adjust the scope it will bend that part and eventually it will not hold zero.
Also dont tighten it to thight.

I have seen scopes where the owner "Tuckerized" them by drilling and tapping holes and inserting screws from Ace Hardware. It worked but sure didn't look pretty. I think his name was Bubba.