Trophy Action


G Vanlier
Did a quick search but found nothing about, Trophy Actions. Saw one at a club shoot yesterday, and thought it was a nice action, the part I felt was interesting is I put my Bat 3 lug bolt beside the Trophy Action bolt and they looked almost identical. I asked the guy about the action but the only info he had was that he thought it was made in New York. Has anyone ever seen this action and where and who made them? How many were made? This one was serial # 000021!
That action was made by Bart Weider and I think from new York.My friend had one that shot good but they wernt around long
Yes they were Lee, the receiver walls were pretty thick too. Overall a nice action, it was configured right bolt/left port, no eject.
Is yours a heavy varmit rifle? Seems like it might be hard to make weight as a light varnit! Wonder how many total were made?