Triple Crown



Does anyone know what is happening at the Triple Crown at Kettlefoot??
I saw 2 targets from the ARA this AM and nothing else.
Sort of Curious what the standings are after the first day. :confused:
From the results posted on another site, Richard Gorham took 1st place in the ARA target phase of the Triple Crown. Dan Killough has been congratulated for taking 1st Place in the PSL phase of the Triple Crown. Congratulations to both gentlemen.

The final phase of the Triple Crown will be completed today ... using IR 50/50 targets. It will be most interesting to see who the "Overall Winner" of the "Triple Crown" will be! Lots of top notch competitors from around the globe participating in this event.

PS: Since many of us are not members of "Facebook" it would be helpful if someone could post the "PSL" and IR 50 results here, or on another rimfire benchrest site. Thanks. John
Sort of a Sad that no one connected with the Triple Crown will take the time to post the results in a timely manner!!
Smart People do not do or use Facebook!!
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Dan Killough wins PSL

Just posted on FB

Great work Dan, now can I buy a case of the same lot of ammo you used, LOL.
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Just posted on FB Dan Killough won it all!!!!!

Great work Dan, now can I buy a case of the same lot of ammo you used, LOL.

Are you sure you're not just looking at him winning the PSL?

Nothing posted yet about overall winner on the FB page.