Trigger help



Wonder if any of you gentlemen can help me with this trigger.
Feels like it is about 10# pull right now.
What make, and adjustment procedures would be great.
Or where I might find that type of info.
It is mounted on a commercial "FN mauser 98"
Purchased this barreled/action around 1974/75 ( 6/284 win )

Aloha, Les

Les, That looks like the standard F N trigger that came with the action. If I am not mistaken you bought it from me with the barrel installed. Probably change it out with a Timney would be the best.

Going to Boise next wek to visit the Hydro-Dip company. Just got back from Sitka with a nice bunch of Salmon and Halibut.


Thanks Don

I just fired you an email.

And yes thats the one. And you are probably right as that was a long time ago.
Don't know Alaska that well, but our Son in law manages a lodge on the Alagnak River which dumps in to Bristol bay I think.
He just sent us a bunch of bear pics feeding on the salmon.

Aloha, Les
Here are some Hawaiian Salmon.

Yellow Fin Tuna.jpg