Hey, whoa! This is going way too far.
My apologies.
When I made the first comment, it was a casual remark because it seemed to be mildly crazy - you know, full moon, werewolves, sacrificing animals - all that stuff.
I confess I did get a little pissed with your response back. Hell, I thought that smilies were just that - things you put on a message to show that the meaning isn't serious - & tried to be a tad more pointed showing that it had ludicruous connotations.
Actually, we have a great deal here in Australia with our feral pigs. We trap them in snail traps made of rebar sheeting baited with a carcass or two, head shoot them with rimfires when the trap is full, then butcher & sell them to the continent as game meat. We do similar work with feral goats.