Torque on Model 70 action screws?



Hello gents. I have a few pre-64 Winchester Model 70s. I have recently aquired a torque handle screwdriver from Brownells and am trying to determine what the optimal torque should be on the rear and front action screws. Internet searches produce numbers all over the place, from 20 to 45 in/lbs.

On a standard wood stocked pre-64 action, could anyone advise optimal torque on the action screws? (I realize the middle screw has to be only lightly tightened and the forearm screw is a whole other back of worms - I'm talking about the two main action screws only).

If the action is bedded properly anything from snug to good and tight should work fine. The inch pounds you mention are correct...

If the action is not bedded stress free and the barrel has a pressure point you may have to fiddle with screw tension to get the best accuracy.

I would recommend tightening them up to 45 inch pounds and trying it...
The real problem

If you are using wood stocks you must be careful not to crush the wood or about 25 inch pounds.

If you are using a wood stock that has the action bedded 35 inch pounds max.

If you are using a wood stock with pillar bedding 45 inch pounds max.

Once you got all this figured out the weather will change and all the above won't matter, because the wood will swell or srink, but pillars do help.

BTW the center screw is only for "looks" tighten just enough so it won't fall out; at that point it is to tight:)=

I hunt all my Winchester Model 70's therefore I hate wood stocks and don't use them.
Ah gents, there's the rub ... I can't find two sources that agree on the proper torque value for a wood stock. For instance, your two answers vary by 20 in/lbs. In some ways it seems like more art than science ...

I appreciate your answers though. Thanks.

Second Line


You are correct.

Please read the second line in Dennis' reply.

BTW I shoot a number of Model 70's.
One thing to consider, is...............

its mostly a moot point. You are dealing with an organic object, you can tighten it down until it feels snug, and its perfectly OK, because it will move even if its a laminate, even a laminate boiled in linseed oil, won't stop it from moving. If you had a pillar bedded synthetic, then you would have a basis for the "science" side. ;) Don't forget to come back and ask how to bed in a little forend tip pressure on your wood stock, to get the barrel to "return" to the same place after each shot.:D:D;)