top shooter survey



what would you think the main differences are between the winners that shoot THE BIG FIVE's guns and the ALSO RANS ?

with the right responses we might learn something:)
Remember that the big 5 is also just what you're seeing on this board. There are other 'smiths that build incredible shooting RFBR guns. Check out the names Penrod, Taylor, Knippenberger for this year alone. Check out Loggins, Leger, Hongisto, Messer, Kenyon and Ross for historical references. There is a lot of weight on the shooters to perform though. Remember they are the ones actually testing, tuning and performing (competing) with these guns. They must be in tune, with the right ammo and have great equipment to have great results.

money, time, and skill.
money to buy gun ammo rest associated equipment and afford to travel.
time to practice and take off and go to matchs.
skill to be able to use the equipment. also knowledge falls into this category.
money, time, and skill.
money to buy gun ammo rest associated equipment and afford to travel.
time to practice and take off and go to matchs.
skill to be able to use the equipment. also knowledge falls into this category.

These three items all trump gunsmithing. Buy good components (money), have time to practice and tune (money & time), Skill to learn when to shoot and where to hold.
And not to diminish any of the gunsmith's work but gunsmithing skill is not really that important - it's just a matter of good machine shop practice and careful measurements, and some elementry knowledge of what makes a good rifle and barrel
good one tim,
when i put down gun that meant one built that would have
to built good enough to win with best components. it takes
a good gunsmith to do that.
A great shootin iron, experience (dedication, practice), great ammo, tuning.
