


Ever had a bedding job that was a little "sticky" when it came time to yank the action back out of the stock? Ever rocked one out only to see those atrocious looking recoil lug "bite marks" at the 4 and 8 o clock positions in the bedding right behind the recoil lug?

I made one of these years ago and decided to pull a late night and whip up a few more as X-mas presents for some fellow gun plumber buddies. Still have to make the hardware kits for them but the idea is it slips over the action, resides on the show line, attaches where the bases go, and you crank a pair of nuts threaded to studs that pull the receiver straight up out of the stock.

Have a great Turkey fest everyone.



Flippin purty work you do Chad, practical too.. Thanks for sharing.

I have to say that is a pretty tool... and that you have too much time on your hands... ;):D

I use a simpler solution... masking tape on the front, sides and bottom of the lug and with an old barrel inserted into the rear of the action ... wedging my fingers between that barrel and the stock and lifting up on both barrels at the same time... it usually lifts straight out easily.
Very slick. Can I borrow it for the epoxy work I'm starting?:D Just kidding.
Thanks for your helpful insight on my bedding question thread.
Bedding tool..

What happen to the relese agent and rubber mallet method?

A couple of long screws in the bottom and alternating wacks.

Nat Lambeth
Lots of ways to skin cats.

I use a commercial mold release agent.

I personally try to leave certain tools in the tool box when it comes to bedding.

1. Whackers.
2. Dremels.

To each his own. The exception would be that I do give the receiver a few taps with a leather mallet prior to yanking it out just to "shock" the action loose a bit.

Their must be others that agree because as of this morning I have six of them sold.
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Nice work, Chad.

Several years ago, I made up something similar....certainly not as slick looking as yours, though. It's used every time to take an action out of the bedding.

No need to get Mideval.........
Chad, you picked the appropriate action to demonstrate your jig on! For Rem clones the whole thing is kinda' moot, but or those deep "recoil lug tang" actions your gizmo is Da Schnizzle......

good on ya
