Tool Box



Hello all..
I plan on shooting in benchrest competition in the near future and need some suggestions for a tool box to carry my reloading equipment and cleaning equipment.
Thank you.
See what others do first

Before you invest any time or money, attend a few shoots and see what others are doing. You'll see a large variety of solutions, and you can ask questions. No two are alike. Just use an old suitcase or something until you've seen enough of what others do for your ideas to gel. Equipment is a work in progress and may never fully stabilize. That's half the fun of it for me.
I wish I could get consolidated into one or two boxes. I'm toting too much stuff. Afraid not to have everything I need. Everyone else that I've seen have a two or three draws box and one or two plastic totes and a table some type of cleaning cradle
I'll look for more pics. If you can go to a match and smoke it over. I couldn't bring myself to go without shooting so just went ahead and went


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I'm using a Plano 737 tackle box and it'll fit a lot of junk.

In fact, it holds everything I need to reload except the press, measure, arbor press, and 8 lb powder jug. The first three I carry in a 24" Pelican hard case. BTW, the blue Freedom Arms box you see to the right is the perfect size for BR-100 targets.

I have, packed away in a box, one of the range boxes that Gregg Schnur in Syracuse N.Y. made a number of years ago. Never used it, but had to have it.
Pine needles

Lee, you had better sweep up those pine needles before someone trips on one of them.................LOL :eek::eek: