Tony's book on Rifle Accuracy - Wow!

I was lucky enough to get one of the early copies available at the Super Shoot and although I have not yet finished it I have got through enough to tell you that this is the best book on rile accuracy that I have every read. I have also been jumping around the book eager to see his documented viewpoint on various issues.

I have been to Tony's lessons several times and often ask him for advice when I am in despair (which is always) and I think this book supersedes in multiples all I have learned from him in terms of sheer data. Obviously nothing can replace one-on-one lessons where one has the chance to focus on shooting style etc but the book is what you could expect from the all time master of bench rest shooting.

The chapters and topics are too numerous (300+ pages) to mention here but he covers everything from all the equipment, components, tuning, cleaning, flag setting, to gun-smithing and shooting style. There is so much in this book for a broad range of shooters all with a quest to get it perfect and learn from someone who has invested uncountable hours in trying to solve the big and small things that frustrate us.

What I also like about it the easy read. There is a lot of detail presented with sketches and photos which help to explain many of the issues. Tony signed my first copy but I think i will buy spares for the workshop and to take to the range. It will be a reference book for me.

I have birthday gifts sorted out for shooting friends for many years ahead. If there was anyone in doubt, I would be surprised if this book did not exceed expectations.

Wow! Well done to all those involved in finally getting this to the market!
Chris,You beat me to it! iF YOU ARE ANY TYPE SHOOTER OR HUNTER THIS BOOK WILL HELP YOU AND IT IS AN ENJOYABLE READ. I too have had a couple lessons with Tony.
My first lesson was at Mickey Coleman's place in Alabama. Tony sat at the adjacent bench facing me as I was shooting 200yds. He had a spare target and a pencil. He said he was going to watch me shoot. After each shot he put a mark on his target.He only watched me. After I was done he showed me the target and where my bullets impacted on the target. I asked how he knew my second shot was a little high. He said I put a little bit of pressure on top of the but with my thumb. OK, but how about the 4th shot that was high and to the right. Tony said I put thumb pressure and also a little pressure with the heel of my right hand. I had a couple bag handling problems and he noticed right away. Another story related to me about Tony was several years ago he was having an unexplained flier. He can have those problems also. He shot many many rounds at home trying to find the problem. He said his arthritis was not allowing him to squeeze the rear bag like he should, so he went to a coaxial rest.
Many years ago Jay Lynn Gore and I were traveling to Phoenix. As always we were wondering who might win. We decided that Tony was on the downside and wouldn't worry about him. It is funny that He has more points since then to get in the Hall of Fame at least 2 more times. He had a poor Super Shoot in his own mind, but he will come roaring back in St Louis.
You are missing a lot if you don't have one copy in your loading box.
The first thing Tony would point out in a Rimfire book is that he chose to shoot a Calfee rifle.
Maybe the greatest benchrest shooter in the world knows to leave his ego at the door and simply use the best equipment Smithed by the best gunsmith.
I would like to read this book. Please provide me a link of it's downloadable copy.
There is no downloadable copy - I did speak to Mustafa about a iPad or Kindle version but I think they are trying to get the first shipment of hard copies out before they consider that.
What's the title? Didn't see anything at Bruno's. Looked through the listed books then did a search for both "Tony Boyer" and "Boyer" but came up empty. Pardon my ignorance, but who or what is a "Mustafa Bilal"?


Mustafa is big time shooter up in the North West. He placed 96 th in the 2gun.
And got Tony's book published.
The book is titled "The Book of Rifle Accuracy" and it's jacket price is $35.00. That is what is was being sold for at the Super Shoot. The hard cover is about $43 and the limited edition hard cover is about $65.

Best thing to do is put in an order with Mustafa and wait for the next shipment to arrive which should be soon now.

Chris & Tim- Thanx. Should have mentioned that after searching Bruno's I did a google search for "Mustafa Bilal" and came up with numerous hits, none seemingly related to benchrest shooting (For example- a dentist, a stationary store in Afghanistan, etc.). Does Mustafa have a website?


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Mustafa's website is He is the premier weapons photographer in the USA and maybe the world. He is that man the Remington and the other manufacturers use to do their advertising layouts. He is also an excellent BR shooter. It is too bad that his work doesn't allow him to travel.
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Ok this is not meant to be insulting or degrading in any way..... but

If you guys would just read all of the preceding posts you would find that you can order the book directly from Mustafa by just filling out the form and sending it to the listed email or you can try to buy it from Bruno's.

Either way its not available till early July from either of them.
That is when the next shipment is expected.
I might only be a dumb rimfire shooter but I’m smart enough to know I don’t know everything and I’m willing to listen to others. So I’ve put my name down for a hard copy version and I received an email yesterday from Turks Head saying they will be shipping in July.

Order form

I have attached a order form which you can complete and send to him.


  • Boyer Accurate Rifle Order Form.pdf
    68.9 KB · Views: 292