Tommy Cravey shoots a 250 in sporter!!!


Phil Deese

Tommy Cravey shot a 250 16 X to win the RBA gulf Coast Regionals Sporter Class Saturday. And I also believe he won the meters in IR 50/50 on Sunday with a 247-14. Wayne Smith put a new Benchmark barrel on his Sako sporter about 2 months ago and this is the first time he has shot it in a is also Tommy's first 250 in sporter......congratulations my friend!!!
That was a fine Sporter target that Tommy shot. You think he'd rent that gun out?;) Thanks to Phil, Bob, Tommy and all who did the work; I enjoyed the match. S. Ga. Boy
Way to go

Tommy! Who were the other winners? Did ya'll have a good crowd of shooters? What did Rod cook for lunch?
Congratulations Tommy, great shooting! I always enjoy seeing good sporter shooting. Sporters are interesting and a game in themselves and a challenge as well. You were in the company of some fine sporter shooters and had to do well to win:) Well done!
Thanks everyone. It has been a long and bumpy road shooting sporter. Wayne Smith is damn good gunsmith and a even better friend. I would recommend him to anyone. Thanks again guys.
Good job Tommy; I know that had to feel good. Glad we were there to see it.

250 Sporter

Could'nt happen to a nicer guy and great shooter. Hope to see you again soon.