Tomball matches



When is the next Tomball match. They are the 1st Sunday of the month if I remember correctly. So is it on the 7th of august. I would like to go but do not want to make the 4 plus hour drive without being sure you guys are shooting.

Austin shoots the last Sunday of the month. I have gone down there a few times, and it's a great place to shoot. It's only $5 or $10 to shoot also. They do play a little money game down there that makes it fun. You toss in $5 ($1 per match), and the winner of that match gets the money.

By the way. Nice shooting Sunday at Denton with that 250-18x.
Brandon, the next Tomball match is on Aug 7. Then the last match of the year will be Oct 2nd. There are 5 matches at Tomball throughout the year but there is not a match every month. Come on down and shoot. It is a good match with lots of tough competitors.


Thank you Joe and Wes for the info and the kind words on the win in Denton. I think I just flat got lucky on that one since there was a 249-19x and he just had one pop out on him, but I can tell you those Conley bullets are sure helping with my scores. I remember you not doing so bad yourself Wes so congrats to you an a fine showing also. So more bullets will be on order soon as I have the spare $$$$. Thanks guys and Joe I will see you in Tomball the 7th and hopefully this time give you a bit more competition.
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