todays Manatee IR5050 results

DJB in Wi

New member
Today we had a high of 82 and sunny. The winds were 4-14 MPH and came out of 3 dominent directions during the coarse of the day. It was really weird seeing this happen. Left to right for sporter. Then right to left for 101/2, and after that more out of the north (head wind) for a while and then with all directions mixed in for the rest of the day. As scores show, it was tough not getting caught in a switch. We had a new shooter (Bob Carow) from Sarasota, FL. Thanks for coming, and hope you come again. Doug


Doug Bell……………247-13
Bob Piossa………….246-11
Pete Wass…………..245-10


Neil Ewings…………249-14
Doug Bell……………249-10
Bob Carow………….247-9


Doug Bell……………249-17
Neil Ewing…………..248-15
Pete Wass……………244-15

3 Gun

Doug Bell……………..745-40



Doug Bell……………..248-15
Bob Carow……………247-13
Neil Ewings…………..247-9


Doug Bell………………250-12
Randy Lyons…………245-13
Neil Ewings……………44-10


Doug Bell………………249-18
Neil Ewings……………248-15
Bob Carow……………..247-7

Unlimited aug

Doug Bell……………….747-45