To many shots to get good groups



I am useing H&R M12 with eley ammo eps match it takes about 50 rounds
before the groups tightens up I shoot at 100 yards in our rimfire matches
5 targets 5 shots on each one, the ammo is about 3 or 4 years old or maybe older. I clean after about 50 rounds could it be the lube on the bullets is to
old and it takes that many rounds to coat it? When I got it from CMP it would not cock all the time took it to a gunsmith he check it out he said he thought it was brand new he took it apart reclean it and put some lube in trigger.
It has me puzzled.

jk maybe your overcleaning it. pretty tough to shoot 50 yards let alone 100, are you using flags? have you tried different speeds of ammo. mine likes 1077 speed old sidewinder is having luck with 1059 speed. on the trigger the sear engaugement is the one in front and clockwise reduces engaugement. to little and that will cause intermitant cocking. I would try 2 or 3 boxes without cleaning and see what happens.
Thanks for the replys, I also shoot in ARA matches with a Aut 54 was useing that ammo for a while but kept getting flyers switch to Lapua and that improve my score quite a bit, I am thinking this is a bad batch of ammo I
bought a case for $600.00 the speed is 1057 I guess there is a bad batch in every type of ammo.

Leave your cleaning rod and guide in with your
Christmas decorations and don't open till after Christmas !

Leave your cleaning rod and guide in with your
Christmas decorations and don't open till after Christmas !


Got to agree. 50 rounds to get good groups, then you clean and start over. Try not cleaning until the accuracy goes away. Some guns just shoot better dirty, won't cost you anything to find out.
