To Kay and Wayne Wills

DJB in Wi

New member
We had the MN State IR5050 match on Saturday, and I was on the IR5050 site today. I was shocked to see you already had the results posted. I want to thank you for all your hard work to keep the site up to date, and everything else that you have to do. It can be a thankless job, and I want you to know that there are a lot of people out there that really appreciate what you 2 are doing. I do not know if your daughter is still helping, and if she is we thank her also. You all are doing a great job, and I thank you. Doug Bell
Thanks Doug,
Anna and Kay are usually posting and updating every other day. We still have a few issues,. but we are working hard to get things done. It is nice to know that folks are noticing what is going on.
I set in the results from Chief City Shooters 4th SOTY Match about 3:00 PM yesterday and you folks had them up and posted by 7:30 PM. that evening, I would agree with Mr. Bell, and also a Big Thank You!

John Spafford
Same here!

Last match results that I sent in for July were send via E-Mail at 3:00PM when I got home. Looked at scores around 6 PM and they had already been posted. Now that is fast, also received an E-Mail they had been posted!:cool: