Titusville Rifle and Pistol Club 100/200 yd Club BR Match


Fla mac

Titusville Rifle and Pistol Club will have their monthly Benchrest Score match 100/200 Yd. starting @ 09:00 A.M., March 25, rain, sleet, snow, or what ever we will have a match. We will use IBS score rules. Bring a lunch, we have cold drinks and a Microwave to heat your lunch. Cost is $5.00 per yardage. You shoot your factory rifle, AR, or BR rifle, we will put you in some type of class. We want everyone to come, shoot and have fun.


Mims, Fl
Titusville Rifle and Pistol Club will have their monthly Benchrest Score match 100/200 Yd. starting @ 09:00 A.M., March 25, rain, sleet, snow, or what ever we will have a match. We will use IBS score rules. Bring a lunch, we have cold drinks and a Microwave to heat your lunch. Cost is $5.00 per yardage. You shoot your factory rifle, AR, or BR rifle, we will put you in some type of class. We want everyone to come, shoot and have fun.


Mims, Fl

See you for the 200 match. I have an early flight Sunday so I can't stay for the 100 match.