Tighter chamber/17 hmr?



I want to reduce the size of my chamber on my 17 hmr. The brass measures .239"-.2395" and the chamber is about .005" over that or .245". What are your thoughts on boring the chamber and pressing a bushing in that would bring the chamber in to maybe .001" over? BTW, the rim on a 17hmr is almost .010" out of concentricity, so locating off the rim is out.

Well, something is not making sense here. I miked several brands of 17 HMR's and they were very close to the same, within a half thou. I also miked several spent cases and they were all between .244 and .245. So next I tried finding the size pin gage for the chamber and starting at .245 and working down, I had to get down to .240 before it would enter the chamber. I guess what seems puzzling is the shot cases that come easily out of the gun are almost .005 bigger than the chamber! I'll do some more cleaning and measuring and report back.:(