Thumper, Who won the 6 Gun ?

Crawfish 6 Gun

Name Score X's TieBrk
1 Mike Cameron 1490 83 247
2 Bill Schertz 1488 73 248
3 Gerald Higdon 1484 67 247
4 Steve Lloyd 1482 62 244
5 Ernie Jenderko 1481 72 248
6 Bob Collins 1481 70 249
7 Doug Bell 1479 73 246
8 Jim Pherson 1477 62 249
9 Ron McCormick 1476 74 250
10 Doug Weeter 1476 61 243
Crawfish 9 Gun

Crawfish 9 Gun
Name Score X's
1 Bill Schertz 2236 108
2 Steve Lloyd 2231 99
3 Mike Cameron 2230 126
4 Ernie Jenderko 2226 113
5 Doug Bell 2220 103
6 Gerald Higdon 2219 89
7 Ted Derivan 2218 100
8 Ron McCormick 2214 106
9 Evan Woods 2209 97
10 Jim Pherson 2208 93
11 John Spafford 2205 88
12 Doug Weeter 2205 83
13 Bob Collins 2203 89
14 Emery Smith 2196 83
15 Bill Smith 2195 76
Crawfish 9 Gun
Name Score X's
1 Bill Schertz 2236 108
2 Steve Lloyd 2231 99
3 Mike Cameron 2230 126
4 Ernie Jenderko 2226 113
5 Doug Bell 2220 103
6 Gerald Higdon 2219 89
7 Ted Derivan 2218 100
8 Ron McCormick 2214 106
9 Evan Woods 2209 97
10 Jim Pherson 2208 93
11 John Spafford 2205 88
12 Doug Weeter 2205 83
13 Bob Collins 2203 89
14 Emery Smith 2196 83
15 Bill Smith 2195 76

I've never seen 9-Gun results. Well, I don't think I have. What is the 9 Gun results? I always assumed the 3-gun was sporter, 10 1/2, 13 1/2 at yards OR meters and 6 gun was sporter, 10 1/2, 13 1/2 at yards AND meters. So the 9 gun is confusing to me. What does it tell us? Thanks in advance.


Since you are doing Nine Guns ? That would be 5 cards of Sporter would it not ? Never thought about that many cards of Sporter ,run a talley on who was the 5 card Overall Sporter Champion of the Crawfish! And The Meter results of 4/19? Congratulations to all the Winners , Mike Cameron - 6Gun ,and Bill Schertz first ever 9 Gun! Thanks in Advance!
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9 Gun?

The Crawfish Sporter Yards on Friday was 3 Sporter Guns.
The Crawfish 3 Gun Yards on Saturday was 3 Guns. (Sporter, 10.5 & 13.5)
The Crawfish 3 Gun Meters on Sunday was 3 Guns. (Sporter, 10.5 & 13.5)

Thus Nine Targets (9 Gun) were shot at the Crawfish.
Does this & 10 cents buy you a cup of coffee - Nope! :D
Make Sense?? :confused:
The Crawfish Sporter Yards on Friday was 3 Sporter Guns.
The Crawfish 3 Gun Yards on Saturday was 3 Guns. (Sporter, 10.5 & 13.5)
The Crawfish 3 Gun Meters on Sunday was 3 Guns. (Sporter, 10.5 & 13.5)

Thus Nine Targets (9 Gun) were shot at the Crawfish.
Does this & 10 cents buy you a cup of coffee - Nope! :D
Make Sense?? :confused:

I see what the 9 gun is now. Thanks.

Nope, doesn`t make cents????

The Crawfish Sporter Yards on Friday was 3 Sporter Guns.
The Crawfish 3 Gun Yards on Saturday was 3 Guns. (Sporter, 10.5 & 13.5)
The Crawfish 3 Gun Meters on Sunday was 3 Guns. (Sporter, 10.5 & 13.5)

Thus Nine Targets (9 Gun) were shot at the Crawfish.
Does this & 10 cents buy you a cup of coffee - Nope! :D
Make Sense?? :confused:

Who in the Cornbread _ _ _ _ is The Winner?? Spend three days and don`t have a overall winner ? In 5 previous Crawfish there is 6 gun Winner? Thumper always had a overall Winner! This and 10 cents Buy `s you Crawfish to suck the brains out of their heads ! Who won the Crawfish? Most computers say six gun ; make sense?
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From Doug's earlier post, it appears that Mike Cameron won the 6 Gun.

Good Shootin' Mike!

Actually, good shootin' to all. Drive safely on the way home!

Most of all, Thanks Bill, for everything - now and in the past.
Who in the Cornbread _ _ _ _ is The Winner?? Spend three days and don`t have a overall winner ? In 5 previous Crawfish there is 6 gun Winner? Thumper always had a overall Winner! This and 10 cents Buy `s you Crawfish to suck the brains out of their heads ! Who won the Crawfish? Most computers say six gun ; make sense?

What you seem to be missing is that IR50, this year, has made provision for dedicated sporter championships at the state/regional level. Some states are running stand alone sporter champs, some combined I guess.
For Willy

Ir50/50 only has a 6Gun in the Nationals - Make Sense??
(Along with a 4Gun)

They do not have a 6 Gun, 4Gun or 9Gun at State or Regional Matches- Make Sense??

What I posted above was only some Stats for some who might be interested!!
If this does not Make Sense then Sorry!! :rolleyes:
Simbari ,I wanted to know who won!

IN THE Masters they have Par 3 on Wednesday ,don`t count for anything , most think its unlucky to win it, no one has never won the Par 3 and won the Masters , kinda like the 3 card sporter match ,it ain`t in the mix of anything! Maybe it should be but after four days @ Augusta ,they announce a winner and that is the climax of all the goings on ! If you gonna shoot meters ........ I feel you need a winner of a event , I guess I`m the only one that thinks that if you compete at something a overall winner of yards & Meters means anything ! Now I see why folks leave the event after yards ,there is no point, cause there is no winner of both! Once I agree that BC has it right, WHO WON?
Just for curoisty?

Ir50/50 only has a 6Gun in the Nationals - Make Sense??
(Along with a 4Gun)

They do not have a 6 Gun, 4Gun or 9Gun at State or Regional Matches- Make Sense??

What I posted above was only some Stats for some who might be interested!!
If this does not Make Sense then Sorry!! :rolleyes:

Doug , who might have been the Overall Crawfish Sporter Winner of all 5 cards ? You can calculate it I`m sure! Friday`s 3 Card plus two (Y&M) . This event has been the bellweather event since I`ve been shooting and this year not recognizing a 6 gun winner ain`t a plus for shooting meters!
Ir50/50 only has a 6Gun in the Nationals - Make Sense??
(Along with a 4Gun)

They do not have a 6 Gun, 4Gun or 9Gun at State or Regional Matches- Make Sense??

What I posted above was only some Stats for some who might be interested!!
If this does not Make Sense then Sorry!! :rolleyes:

Techncally there is no 4 gun or 6 gun contested at state and regional matches and hall of fame points awarded but as you well know Doug it has been an award that Thumper has given out over the last several years to give some recognition of the person who has won the 6 gun, it was something he did out of the goodness of his heart and is not something he is required to do.It has been appreciated, I have a picture of one if you want to see it.;)
I want to thank all the people who worked so hard to get this shoot in the books, Thumper, Weeter, Steve Lloyd,Ernie Jenderco, and all the referees. I want to congratulate all the winners Steve, Ron, Bill Schertz all you guys shot amazing all weekend, I had a ball.
P.S. Weeter, really I just wanted to know it was no big deal.
P.P.S. Im not insinuating he should have given one this year here Im just saying he has done it in the past and it was a nice gesture, it isn't something I expect or think he SHOULD do, I don't feel slighted in the least I was just interested in how things ended up and that is why I asked and I really don't understand all the flack from a certain computer program guy.
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Doug , who might have been the Overall Crawfish Sporter Winner of all 5 cards ? You can calculate it I`m sure! Friday`s 3 Card plus two (Y&M) . This event has been the bellweather event since I`ve been shooting and this year not recognizing a 6 gun winner ain`t a plus for shooting meters!

Hey , Gossip Queen ......

There were two winners, one at yards and one at meters........If that upsets you, buy IR 50/50....Two day event and two different matches. Kinda like the PSL one day and the ARA the next.

Why ask Doug anything ? All you do is crap on him on RA ?

Gone Fishing :rolleyes:
Bill Schertz

Glad to see you did so well, Max would be proud! Puts me in mind of the good days at Chief City!
What sporter are you using?
Congratulations to you all.
Crawfish Results

Slick, et al,
As it would seem, you have most of your questions answered, so I won't linger on that any longer, it's all history anyway! We didn't get the turn-out that we expected, but I'm reasonably sure that the one's that did show had a good time and a belly full of shrimp and crawfish. I don't know where to start in thanking everyone, not only for showing up, but for all the help in making everything run smoothly. Steve Lloyd, for scoring, Doug Weeter, for computer support, the referee's each day, Ernie Jenderko, Doug Bell, Bob Collins, Ted Derivan, Emery Smith, Jim Pherson, Gerald Higdon, and Bill Schertz. Ted Derivan was our long distance traveler, coming from Maine, and I appreciate his support and assistance.
Clint Swigert and his wife were here to offer Logistic Support in the way of ammo and parts and pieces, I'm thankful they showed up to support us. Real world, Steve Lloyd gave us a Sporter lesson on Friday with "SMOKING" 749, 37X, Saturday, Ron McCormick treated us to a 3 Gun Yards Lesson with a 749, 51X, and on Sunday, Mike Cameron finished out the weekend with a 744, 41X. Although the weather was not what we had expected, the shooters adapted and overcame. Another Crawfish Shoot is now in the history books and plans for next year are already on the drawing board, so start making your plans now. Thanks to all again, see ya on the range. Thumper
Computer Guru is Sweeter & Cute!

You do a great job down there Thumper ! We have our Matches on the 3rd weekend cause of the Big Four Ranges (Chattanooga, Genes ,Gold City & ChickenFoot ) Don`t schedule on top of each other! I would like to come to the Crawfish if there is not a conflict next year ! My college best friend from ABAC & UGA lives in St Marys , GA and that would be a good trip! Thanks for all you do ,keep the light on!