There's really nothing else to see. The only thing here that was an issue was how wide the mouth was. In other words, if it had just been threaded the way it was, it would have been a small thread. So, the guy had to widen it enough to make the correct diameter threads. He didn't really know if that was possible because the tuner is shorter, but after taking it apart, it was apparently simple. Now you may have an even older tuner that mey be drastically different. This is a 4000+ but all the white has been removed. I compared it to another 4000+ yesterday. It looked the same to me except the threads. If you have a newer tuner, the best thing to do is just take it to a local machine shop, show them what you want and ask them. In this case, it was simple.
As far as where I started tuning after having it done, I left it on the original setting and went from there. I think it took about two turns out, with no weight, to get it back, but eventually it did go on a different gun.