Thread removed/ deleted asking about quality of a LV Benchrest rifle builder


New member
Topic is just gone.... Im I off base asking this? I asked to be PM,ed if there was issues.
I guess I stepped on a toe that helps support this site.
Any how I enjoy the site and the people here...and the honesty. Sory if I offended anyone.
Was it I Lord?
Francis, it couldn't have been you, you're innocent.

Adam -- it isn't just about vendors who support the site. There is a rule that vendors period should not be trashed. Many gunsmiths are single-man operations, and don't read BR Central.

Yet gossip amongst benchrest shooters spreads faster than fires in California. I don't get to that many matches -- 12-15 a year -- and you would be surprised how much talk I hear about so & so cheats (that's about other shooters), or this product or 'smith is no good... We all say shooters are great people, but...they do have some faults.

Wilbur decided, for both good and ill, there will be no trashing of someone's livelihood on this site. In times past, he has personally helped resolve situations, privately, off line.

Having said that, Wilbur also has to do all the monitoring of posts on BR Central. It is rumored that he also has a life, so sometimes a thread will stay up a while.

?Esta clara, mi amigos?

I'm pretty sure it was my post that started your thread down the path to being deleted. I'm sorry for sending it in that direction. I have only been in this game for a very short time compared to most of you and I am still learning the do's and don't of posting. (and shooting and loading for that matter)
Until very recently I felt in most cases I had nothing to offer in the form of advice on a stage like this. But with very little guidance and after making a numerous mistakes on purchaces, loading and shooting I hope I have learned one or two things that might help someone else. So I want to share if I can.
