Then on Sunday another World Record!!

Pete Roberson

New member
Melvin Eck came out of a two year retirement to shoot a New York State Match in Meters 741 31x's for the second World Record of the weekend !!

Way to go Mel, you still got the touch !!!

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Congrats Mel

You put the icing on top of the weekend's cake!!

Great shooting in some damm difficult conditions.

I loved the look on your face when you were told about the record, Priceless.

Congratulations mel

Congratulations Mel. NICE JOB and GOD SHOOTING. Stay right at it. Nice to have you shooting with us.
Congratulations my friend! See ... you need to be back in the game.

Way to go Mel

2500X sporter action , Eck Shilen sporter barrel

Man O man ! I am gonna have a sammie !