Seriously, your question shows a lack of experience with bench design that could result in a monumental screw-up. No bench shooter that I know of would agree with the idea that there is nothing wrong with a square bench.
I was in charge of building a range for our club that has 42 very good benches. I personally spent many days building the forms, recruiting the volunteer labor, and actually building the benches. There were many to help. I have months of my time invested in that project.
Since then, I have taken an interest in range, and specifically bench design. I that pursuit, I have asked as many as possible of the competitors that travel to various ranges about the good qualities and deficiencies of the benches that they have used in various locations. The article that was referred to in a previous post is a good one. It is a good place to start. If I can be of assistance in any way, PM or email me and I will send you my phone number. There are enough badly designed benches in the world. For the same amount of money and effort, you can build great ones. Sorry if I have taken too strong a tone, but as you may deduce, I take more than a little interest in this particular area. Good luck