The Results of the Holton 200 Yard Score Match of September 26, 2015


The match isn’t over until the last shot is fired! This was the name of the game at the last score match of the 2015 season at the Holton Gun & Bow Club on Saturday, September 26, 2015. The top three positions kept changing after every stage between Jim Dyke, John Vonmiddlekoop, and Jim Hutchinson. Conditions were such that the 200 yard scoring rings were not discernible. Mr. Murphy crawled into Matt Dardas’ trigger and put the hex on it, taking Matt out of the competition after the second target. Jim Dyke even loaned his 30BR Borden Rimrock to me to fire the second target.

Jim Hutchison displayed his signature fortitude during the entire match. Never wavering, he out X’d Jim Dyke, 249-7X to 249-5X for the match win! That Da Boy, Hutch!

In the money and commandeering second place was of course Jim Dyke with his fine 249-5X.

And rounding out the take on the money in third place shooting his ‘loud blue gun’ was John Vonmiddlekoop shooting 248-5X.

The Sandbagger class was very hotly contested between John Inman, Jeff Aberegg, and Jim Militello with John coming out on top firing a 241-1X.

Sonny Marvin and Pat Colwell have signed up to go to the Swiss Alpine Score Internationals this November. They are asking for donations of Lederhosen with drop front flaps (of course) and Alpine hats with feathers. Good luck to both of you!

The target crew and scoring was tackled by Bill Nienow. Target rack setup and takedown was accomplished by Jim Dyke and maybe others that I didn’t see. All of the competitors wish to thank Bill Nienow, Jim Dyke, and the Holton Gun & Bow Club for sponsoring the fine score matches of the 2015 season. And we all look forward to shooting next year!

This just in across the wire! There will be a Michigan Score Tournament conducted next year! The venues will be Holton Gun & Bow Club, Isabella County Sportsman’s Club, and Western Wayne County Conservation Association. Details will be posted in Benchrest Central shortly.

Just the messenger boy…
Matt Dardas

Bill Nienow - Chief Range Officer and Official Scorer
Bill N.jpg

Dudley Pierce, Jim Dyke, & Sonny Marvin
Dudley and the Gang.jpg

Jeff Aberegg after finding out that he whooped Matt Dardas
Jeff Aberegg.jpg

Jim Militello showing fine form
Jim Militello.jpg

From left: John Inman (The Coach) and Jim Hutchinson (The Champ)
John I.jpg


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