The next generation of benchrest is here


Senile Member
At this year's IBS Nationals at Kelblys Range, the wand was handed off to the next generation of the sport. Ian Kelbly, George Sr's grandson was the range officer, taking the torch from his dad Jim. Ian ran the entire 6 day match and never missed a beat.

Ryan Kelbly, another of George Sr's grandsons was a entrant, and did quite well. (Wonder who his gunsmith was??). If these young men are going to be typical of the next generation, we are in good shape!!
Thank You


I want to thank everyone for their welcoming into my new position here at the range. It was a great first shoot for me to run and every shooter made it easy on me. I can't wait for the Super Shoot, and I hope to see everyone there!

- Ian A. Kelbly
Family name...

With that family name I'm sure they will do well.
So your taking over...does this mean Jim is going to start shooting? Good luck...everyone can feel in good hands I'm sure..
