The Falcon action??


Senile Member
Returning to shoot some rimfire after 15-18 year absence I bought a new build that is on a Falcon action. Any comments?

It also has a von Airens (sp) tuner and is built on an Edge stock.

Not being able to travel the centerfire circuit anymore I’m semi retiring my Bill Myers he built for his wife Inez several years ago.

Best non PAS action available

Returning to shoot some rimfire after 15-18 year absence I bought a new build that is on a Falcon action. Any comments?

It also has a von Airens (sp) tuner and is built on an Edge stock.

Not being able to travel the centerfire circuit anymore I’m semi retiring my Bill Myers he built for his wife Inez several years ago.


That's according to Mr. Calfee.

I have one that does pretty good, I bought mine slightly used. It is one of the later models, 6 OC FP, 3 grove Benchmark, Stith toothpick maple stock, Harrell tuner, CT36 Weaver. I made a few changes to it, shortened the barrel to 22" re-chambered it and went through several striker springs, before settling on one that I was happy with. Getting ready to re-barrel with a Shilen Ratchet soon.

Good luck with yours
She was a capable shooter and he built a decent gun. Assuming nobody messed with it between her and you you should have a solid start. Just make sure you get familiar with RF barrel maintainance and you should be good to go.
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She was a capable shooter and he built a decent gun. Assuming nobody messed with it between her and you you should have a solid start. Just make sure you get familiar with RF barrel maintainance and you should be good to go.

Thanks. This is a new action, new barrel, new trigger, etc. only the Edge stock is used..

Von aren (sp) tuner. First one I’ve owned??

Thanks. This is a new action, new barrel, new trigger, etc. only the Edge stock is used..

Von aren (sp) tuner. First one I’ve owned??


Roger is up in PA. His are as good as anybodys.
They became popular when guys were interested in ability to add weights. If the gun has any rounds and a setting you know you can move in or out to experiment and come back.If your barrel is .850"-.900", IMHO forget the weights if you've got'em.
Most guys I know find a tune and leave it, as do I. The big deal these days is screwing around to find ammo to compete with, with a lot of CF experience and good ability to read wind flags, you're likely going to have a shorter learning curve than most, but make no mistake, if you want to be competitive you've gotta feed these things the best ammo you're willing to spend on and it boils down to the top two tiers of ELEY or Lapua.
Roger is up in PA. His are as good as anybodys.
They became popular when guys were interested in ability to add weights. If the gun has any rounds and a setting you know you can move in or out to experiment and come back.If your barrel is .850"-.900", IMHO forget the weights if you've got'em.
Most guys I know find a tune and leave it, as do I. The big deal these days is screwing around to find ammo to compete with, with a lot of CF experience and good ability to read wind flags, you're likely going to have a shorter learning curve than most, but make no mistake, if you want to be competitive you've gotta feed these things the best ammo you're willing to spend on and it boils down to the top two tiers of ELEY or Lapua.

Again, thanks. The setting on the tuner was set by the gun builder who I have great confidence in as a tuner setter. As well as being a known and competent gunsmith he also offers a service as setting tuners.

My biggest problems now is eyesight and my wifes serious illness (late stage 4 lung cancer). For the last few years I have been unable to see single 6mm bullet holes at 100 yards with a 45x scope and a 3x multiplier. I now am having trouble seeing 22 rf holes at 50 yards! Like I told Dr Banks Anderson at Duke, I can see big things like cars and trucks, I just can't see small things like people!! Dr. Anderson didn't see the humor in that???

But I DO love to shoot.

One of our guys that shoots in our winter league as well as 1000 yard stuff showed up a few matches ago to test out his new March 8X-80X variable.
They're not exactly cheap, but if something like this makes the difference between being able to shoot or not......I'd sure have one.
Good luck.....say hi to uncle Clemmy.
One of our guys that shoots in our winter league as well as 1000 yard stuff showed up a few matches ago to test out his new March 8X-80X variable.
They're not exactly cheap, but if something like this makes the difference between being able to shoot or not......I'd sure have one.
Good luck.....say hi to uncle Clemmy.

Tim, I wish the scope was the answer. Me? Good camera-bad film. I have scars in the back of my eyes, permanent blind spots I was 20/200 and 20/80, corrected, when I started this silly game years ago.

Tim, I wish the scope was the answer. Me? Good camera-bad film. I have scars in the back of my eyes, permanent blind spots I was 20/200 and 20/80, corrected, when I started this silly game years ago.


Ouch, sorry to hear, hope you still have fun with the 22.