The "Crawfish" Shoot

William Smith

New member
The Florida State IR50/50 Championship is only 30 days away so start making your plans now! Wilbur has posted the registration form on the 50/50 site and a block of rooms has been set aside at the Hospitality Inn for Shooters, with a reduced rate. Our range has improved it's parking area which allows more room for tent set-up. We have camper spaces available with water and electric hook-ups on a first come first serve basis. The range will be open for practice on Friday from 07:30 till sunset, drawing for benches will comence at 3 pm. We will have tables set up for swap-meet items. Please get your registration forms in ASAP so that we will have an idea of how much shrimp and crawfish to get for Saturday's feast. We will have door prize drawings prior to the Awards for the 50 yd. winners. If you have any questions, or require assistance of any type, please call me and we will do all we can to help. My computer at home went south and I don't know how long it will be before it's up again so my work address is, , we look forward to seeing all of you again and want to start your Season off with the best shoot of the year. Thumper
Three Weeks & Counting !

We're down to 3 weeks and counting! Time to get that registration form in so we can get a good head count for ordering the shrimp and crawfish. Have had 5 requests for tent spaces thus far and know of 26 shooters that are to be arriving on the 2nd and 3rd, so have arranged to have the range for practice both days. Let me know if there are any special needs or wants and we'll deal with them the best we can. Looking forward to a good shoot.Thumper
I have one Great Laptop left for Scoring matches!
If you want to be able to run my scoring programs and send in the Match Results the same day then email or call me in the next 5 hours. (RBA, IR50/50, ARA, PSL, IBS-Score and Airgun. Otherwise it will be sold in a Flea Mkt tomorrow morning.
This laptop has what apears to be a good batery. Nothing fancy but works!
If you want it I will bring to the Crawfish!
Thumper, Bear and I will be headed for Jacksonville on Thur, should be there mid-morning on Fri.

If anyone wants to share the ride South, I've got room in the truck.
Crawfish Shoot

Don't even think twice about it, just load up your gear and come on down! You can have all you care to eat and we'll even throw in some good shooting, and a bunch of good people to share it with. We'll start your season off on the right track. Thumper!
crawdad shoot


thanks for the invite i wish i was closer man my mouth is watering. do you have coconut shrimp down there? figure that out! i love those things.

'The Real Crawfish"

I leave for the Crawfish in 4 Days. I have been looking forward to this Vacation for months now. Today I packed the Van with the Basic essentials: Wind Flags and Indicators. My Dinosaur Quilt incase the temperature drops into the 60’s. Some ‘Crawfish’ condiments like Heinz Catsup, fresh Horseradish and Texas Pete along with a Vidalia Onion, Salt & Pepper etc.
The Laptop and Laser printer will go in tomorrow along with DVD to watch after the sun goes down.
Now my question is should I bring any extra Computers along?
I have two Towers and Two laptops that I got too late for our local Non –Profit Auction.
(I did 35 Desktops & 10 Laptops this year and the all sold)
The Laptops would make a great Range Computer for doing the scoring and printing out the match results.
The Desktops are all over 1 GHZ so they could be used at the Range and/or at Home
If anyone is interested just email me and I will bring them to the Crawfish otherwise they will be donated to a local organization.
Some might ask why I am posting here??
To get Match Directors to Use a scoring program and E-Mail their results..
RBA, IR50/50, ARA, PSL and even IBS can easily tabulate and post Match Results if they are emailed using one of my scoring programs. It’s your Fault if results are not posted in a timely matter if you are just mailing them in. I plan to get to Crawfish either late Wednesday or early Thursday morning if anyone has any scoring or computer questions.
See You All there! :D

Pls Emails only not PM's