the best gun forum on the internet


Gary Gruber

i don't know if your experience has been similar to mine, but i just wanted to take a minute and say thanks for Benchrest Central. i frequent a lot of other gun forums in a quest for knowledge and information about various aspects of our sport, and i honestly believe this site is as good as it gets.

on the 6-7 other places i visit regularly, i see uncivil and uncouth behavior, hear ridiculous statements held out as fact, and experience so much noise it is deafening.

here, i get intelligent, informed discussion by real professionals -- people who truly want to help. While both Accurate Shooter and Accurate Loader are also first class sites, i have to think that BRC stands miles ahead of almost all of the rest of them put together.

i build more handguns than rifles and certainly wish there was a forum out there with even a 1/10 of the credibility, professionalism, and insight of this one.

God bless all of you...
Thank Wilbur Harris, he's the wily snidely whiplash avatar dude.....

And he's The Almighty Und't Grand Poohbahhh around here.

Wilbur sets a high standard

it shows


I CONQUER.........................

CLASSY, tons of KNOWLEDGEABLE gun guru's, and especially the gentleman that know the in's and out's of what makes a GREAT rifle.

Thanks to all who contribute there vast knowledge UNSELFISHLY.

I Calvin, that's a true unwitting classic!!!!!

I don't often "correct" anyone for spelling or grammar but you just made a beautiful funny.

What you meant to say is "I concur" and most of us will get that, but what you wrote is "I conquer!" which sounds like something from 'Patton' or 'Gladiator.'

Please don't change it or correct it, it's awesome..... I love it..... it's PASSIONATE!!!!

PASSION for shooting sport is what this board thrives on


I set up this forum some 15 years ago and we have all been blessed with generous folks willing to share their knowledge and supply free content for the duration - the kind of content that money can't buy. I for one, am appreciative beyond words.
What sets this website apart from the others is less moderator interference and no constant begging for money.
On one website they modify your posts behind your back.I found this out when a poster e-mailed me to say he was having all kinds of trouble with one of my loads.He e-mailed me a link to the post and is was adjusted by someone who doesn't compete.I would rather he deleted the post than guess at what he didn't understand and put people in harms way.
Wilbur you are doing a fine job.