The 2025 Indoor IR 50/50 Nationals wrap up


Well-known member
The Indoor Nationals are now in the books and results already posted on the IR 50/50 website.

If you haven't been to Page Valley, Luray Viriginia, this time of the year you have missed out.

Page Valley is beautiful anytime but right now they are just on the cusp of spring.

The pastures have greened up and there are black angus cattle in every field. Some with young calves at foot.

The weather is a little cool and the winds are still blowing but nothing too bad.

The Indoor Range, Piney Hill has had a complete make over.

The club, led by President Ryan Baker, have made many improvements to the range and cleaned the place top to bottom.

They have brought Piney Hill up to the standard shooter deserves. Not the dingy dark barns we too often see.

The energy behind arranging this IR 50/50 Indoor Nationals was Tony and Sharon Picarelli. They did a great job.

Sharon was incredible, she took care of so many things including the scoring.

I don't think there was a single change to her initial scoring of all the targets.

Harvey Reese controlled the firing line, and he kept things moving without hurrying anyone.

The shooters at this match were all very experienced. I made the only rooky mistake, and I'll address that later.

We didn't have any of the typical delays you see at other matches where shooters forget to hang their targets and things like that.

Everything went off without a hitch. A truly enjoyable weekend.

The food, oh the food, was good and plentiful. No one goes hungry at a match Ronnie Leaks caters.

He puts out a spread. Especially the baked goods, his baked goods are special.

Attendance was down but we expected that.

We had shooter come from as far away as Ireland and all the way west to Illinois. Quite a spread of distant.

This weekend focused on shooting IR 50/50 Sporters. This isn't for everyone.

The IR 50/50 sporter is a 7.5 lb. rifle with a 2.25-inch forearm, shooting off sandbags, with a 6.5 power scope.

You can only see the two outer black rings on the targets.

The inner scoring rings and the X dot can't be seen.

The way many shoot the target is a little like using a peep sight.

You can see the white of the target and many use a dot in the scope, they center the dot in the white and judge where the middle is.

If you are perfectly sighted in, that works, but if you need to hold off. It becomes difficult to judge how much you are holding of.

For many that is where the real fun comes in.

This is much different from shooting unlimited rifles off a one-piece rest.

When a new shooter is sat down behind an unlimited rifle with a one-piece rest, and he looks through a 45-power scope he sees a bull that looks as big as a basketball.

He then feels just how settled the rifle is in that one-piece rest and how light the trigger pull is, he thinks ... shucks... I can do that.

Take that same guy and sit him behind a sporter and let him feel that 7.5 lbs rifle sitting on a sandbag then let him look down that scope at the target and the first thing he will say is how am I supposed to hit something I can't even see?

It takes a special shooter to accept the challenge.

We were lucky enough to have those guys gathered together for a Nationals focused on shooting the sporters.

Everyone at the match was a winner but some left with mementos to remember the match. A full list of all the winners can be found on the IR 50/50 website but I've included pics of a quick overview.

If you have other information you would like to add about the weekend or pics to post, please post them here.



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Tony you are correct about the weekend. It was a good time for all of us, seeing old friends and making new ones. The sporter is one of the most challenging guns that we shoot with and also is the most rewarding. I can remember starting out when I thought there was no way that I will ever be able to win at a sporter match because you can't see the bullseye. But then I learned no one can see the bullseye but with a lot of practice and learning to lineup the crosshairs in the middle of the circle holding off for the wind you might just get lucky. We had some of the best sporter shooter there this weekend and they make you earn your rewards. So, I encourage everyone get your hands on a sporter and really have some fun there will be ups and downs, but those little guns are worth it. Thanks again to all the ones that help put on this event. Harvey
I agree with Tony and Harvey. The game is very difficult but it is extremely rewarding when everything comes together or even occasionally comes together....

As far as the match goes, it was fantastic! It was one of the best times I ever had at a match. The Picarelli's and Harvey did a great job organizing and running the match. Everything went very smooth all weekend. The only grumbling I heard all weekend was when Harper would miss an X on the firing line (and the scores show that he doesn't miss many of them unless he forgets to shoot at one)... The awards provided to the winners were as nice as I've seen at a rimfire match. Mr Harper and Sharon Picarelli did a great job on the engraved bullet trophies, the medals, the certificates and Hall of Fame chips. The registration gifts and door prizes were very nice also.

As Tony said above, the food was great. Thanks again Ronnie!

All said, it was a great weekend with great competitors and even better folks! I really hope that more guys will start attending these matches in the future.

Tony, Harvey, and Jack nailed the description of the weekend. Between the Picarelli's, Tony, and Harvey, we not only had a Sporter/3-Gun Indoor Nationals, but we had a great one! Many thanks to them, and Ronnie, the 'Club Chef' for a well ran and enjoyable 3 days of competition.
