The 2015 National event includes a spring piston class provided......



enough people sign up for the class.

My spring gun high is 702 with a LGV. I shot a 695 last Saturday with my newer LGU. Both scores were shot outdoors. That being said there are better spring gun shooters like Pete Berube, Bill Day, my EBR nemesis Tony Starr ;-) and others who I hope are signed up.

I'm not bragging. Rather, I'm pointing out that higher spring piston scores are possible for those that choose the right equipment and who practice.

The National should be an ideal opportunity to stretch both your PCP and your spring piston legs shooting against some really tough competitors.

I hope to see you and your springers in Oxnard.

Best wishes to all (even those that elect to leave their springers gathering dust in the garage).

BTW: There's a rumor that there will be a regional air rifle BR event in Phoenix this year. That would be great preparation for some pretty tough spring piston competition in advance of the National event if true.
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Mark.Glad you are going to make it! Joe asked me to run the Springer Match at the Nationals in Oxnard,I actually have an Uncle there I havent seen in 50 years so an added bonus to make the trip!. I hope we have some of the regular PCP Shooters also try the Springer Match. Can be frustrating shooting these guns...but A challenge. I know you will back me up if I need help. Hopefully we will have the time to do all three targets...we shall see. Anyone feel free to drop me a PM. thankyou, Pete in Montana
Only five springer registrants so far

Mark.Glad you are going to make it! Joe asked me to run the Springer Match at the Nationals in Oxnard,I actually have an Uncle there I havent seen in 50 years so an added bonus to make the trip!. I hope we have some of the regular PCP Shooters also try the Springer Match. Can be frustrating shooting these guns...but A challenge. I know you will back me up if I need help. Hopefully we will have the time to do all three targets...we shall see. Anyone feel free to drop me a PM. thankyou, Pete in Montana


Sure. Just let me know if you need help.

Personally, I'm hoping several of us meet or exceed 700 points for three cards shot outdoors. I believe something like that that could do a lot to increase BR interest in those temperamental, unpredictable, finicky and yet ever so satisfying spring guns.

A number of experienced BR folks still express bafflement as to why I get more BR enjoyment from a spring gun than I do a PCP. They get even more bewildered when I share that for me BR with a PCP is boring. Please, don't misunderstand. I am NOT claiming that PCP BR is easy. Shooting a PCP for me however, is just much more straightforward than is a spring piston rifle.

In any event, only five spring gun registrants as of the 19th according to an email from Joe. I think I've figured out who they are from the list of 25 registrants Joe posted on the 19th. I did not see your name on the list, so I hope you now bring the total to six.

Have you and Joe worked out how many spring gun registrants will be needed for the Saturday afternoon spring piston event to actually take place?

Best wishes.

The other Mark B