Thanks to a great gunsmith



Here's a report on dealing with Butch Hongisto. My first gun was bought used from Gary Lemons (Gary, even though the tried, I refused to get a lemon decal on the stock, and even held off on : Lemon's Lemon. The gun actually shot well. I started having trigger, bolt and extractors problems. Not much, just enough to drop points at the worse possible time. Gene Davis built the gun for Gary, and he was nice enough to take a look over the trigger and adjust it for me. I think it was just time for those parts to be retired or replaced, and the gun lasted to the last of 6 targets in the State Shoot.

The reason I decided to have butch strip it & do a total rebuild was simple.
When I combing the area for a Sporter last year (my rookie year), Gary Shelton found me a sporter made by Butch Hongisto. That meant nothing to me, but A LOT to Gary, so I tried it. The guns shoots most anything good, but shoots EPS as well as TENEX. Long story short, I won the first stage I ever shot with Butch's Sporter. So there you go. I kind of thought a gun that wins a rookies FIRST target would be a good way to go.

I'm fairly picky on immaculate work, and more so on Honesty.
The work was flawless. Butch kept me updated on the progress of my barrel.
I will say this. I FINALLY got my barrel (the one that shoots). Nuff said about the nightmare of getting the barrel replaced.

Back to Butch. We discussed everything up front on what he was to do to the rifle. I was contacted as each stage was done. Somehow, and I wish I knew how, Butch made an Anschutz TENEX in ANY form. My heart was thumping, it just has to be a dog if it can't group with TENEX......WRONG

It shoot well with the cheap Lapua, shot great with Match EPS, and shot one Lot of Eley Club ammo! One ragged hole from 5 shots on an IR5050 target.

We had our monthly ARA shoot this evening, I had some fliers, but I had much more 100 shots than ever before. That club ammo is nasty, to the point of reminding you of black powder, but I'm sure glad I bought 3 lots to try.

Once again, I rate Butch as highly as any gunsmith I have worked with.
Great communication, precession work and honest. That works for me:)