Thank You's to many........

Al Nyhus

"It'll never work!"
Many thanks to those in the Benchrest community that have offered their support after the recent passing of my wife. The numerous emails and phone calls have meant a lot to both myself and my family.

Sincerely, Al
It doesn't stop with Francis either. I will continue the offer of support. Please don't hesitate to call should you need something. Margaret's and my prayers are still with you and your family. God bless all of you and bring you peace.

I can't pretend to be able to relate to what you must be going through. I'm not sure what I can even offer except for my deepest condolences and prayers for an inner strength that you didn't know you had. Hang in there man and please do remember that a lot of people are still thinking of you.... Scott
From Oregon I send you my prayers and best wishes.........If there is help or assistance I can provide it is yours..............Larry.