Thank you Wilbur and Elmer



The IR 50/50 Support Ticket System seems to be working well.

Your response to getting match scores on-line and the personalized service in responding to questions is greatly appreciated.

Great job guys.

Excellent job Elmer and Wilbur! Keeping the scores up to date is a big job, and and very important for folks trying to keep up with what's going on. You guys are doing it better than ever, and deserve a big "ATTABOY" as Rod Collin's would say. I appreciate the work both of you have put in to make the game better for all of us!!!
Doug Weeter gets a high percentage of the total "attaboy" for making it easier and Elmer gets the rest for not shuttin' up until I do it.

On the other side of the coin, the Rangemasters get the accolades. Wouldn't be much to do around here (or out there) if not for them.