Thank You factoryville Pa.


New member
I like to thank the folks at Factoryville Pa. for the great time I had at your ARA shoot on Saturday (my first match) and the folks on Benchrest Central that advise new shooter to go out to a match. I was welcomed right from the start and being new to the sport I was loaned some wind flags and a lesson on how to read them and on the last target I was given a box of Eley ammo to try and see if my score go better, I have alot to learn. My advise to new shooters is go out and enter a match and enjoy. I look forward to your April match.

Hello Greg,

It was a pleasure to meet you, and I'm glad you had a good time. I just wish it was a little warmer for our first match of the year.

If you have any question, please drop me a note and I would be glad to answer them for the best I can.


Factoryville Sportsmen's Club
ARA Match Director

To answer your question as requested .... "Yes" ..... :cool:

Bob Griffin won the match. He had a adjustable tuner with a custom weight. Not sure if it was locked down or not. Bob would have to answer that question.

And to answer your other question the solid body tuner worked well. Or so my wife tells me. (plus I'm hearing really good things from the other tester too) We only had enough shooters for one relay and it was just to cold 28 deg. to ask the other shooters to sit through another relay for one person, so I sat this one out so she could shoot (we're sharing equipment right now.)

The real test will come in the next few months as we get a few more matches and some outdoor test sections under our belts, one outing can't tell you much.


I shot a Hall Action, Jewell Trigger, TM Stock, Benchmark 2 Groove 16 Twist Barrel, Kelbly Scope Rings, Weaver T36 scope, with a Hoehn Tuner that had one additional weight, used Eley EPS Black Box, two different Lots over the 4 targets. one was EPS, the other EPS Semi Auto. It worked pretty good.
Congratulations Bill! I guess that the adjustable tuner isn't dead yet. Maybe somebody forgot to tell you. Keep up the good shooting.
CONGRATULATIONS!! Bob Good Shooting. Nice to hear about a gun that will shoot different lots of Ammo. My bet is that it will shoot just as good when it warms up also. This year the match won't be won until you have finished shooting.
Gordon and Butch, thanks for the kind words, (now all I gotta do is live up to them). My personal opinion is the adjustable Tuner is a long way from dead. Take Care.
Hey Roger, you said you used a piece of 1/8" aluminum welding rod to lock down your Hoehn tuner. I like clear direction, did you replace the spring/ball with the rod, or just the spring, or what? Gots lots of 1/8" al welding rod, finally found something to use it for. Thanks, Douglas
Hello Douglas,

Yupper took that spring right out of there, left the ball in there though.


Butch and Gordon, when I listed "What I Shot", I missed one very important point; Mr. Bill Myers of Luray, Va. installed that Benchmark Barrell for me. Thanks Bill, its a good one.
Hey Bob,

Looks like Bill did a real good job, hope she keeps on keep on for you!


Good shooting---disappointed that you were within 10 miles of us and did not stop in.

let me know when you will be in town again and stop for a shop tour

Jim Borden